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12/17/2018 12:11:08 PM

Gambit Griefers BE GONE.

People who get reported for griefing in Gambit, should recieve a suspension of access to the activity. Because otherwise we have people like I did in my most recent match. People who refused to deposit motes and instead t-bagged me just because they couldn't get heavy and go over only to immediately die, and instead I won out the opportunity to do so twice, and killed the most valuable players. As an invader should. But they think their tactics are better...Of wasting time and resources. I play my matches in a specific way, that always succeeds (With Randoms or even with a full 4 stack, doesn't matter). Hence why I literally had completed a match with no issues prior to getting these two unfortunate stains on the mode's matchmaking system, and notably with the players who now happened to be on my opposing team in this following recent match. That tactic is 2 people dedicated to clearing ads and picking up leftover motes, 1 person dedicated to primary mote collection, and the 4th player dedicated to clearing ads, keeping the depository clear, and invading. It works 100% of the time and can and will compliment high level playtactics such as Hammers+Chaos Reach X 2. It's efficient, always an invader to be ready but still isn't useless in the primary mechanic. But because these guys wanted to have a toddler tantrum, we ultimately lost. Reported both for griefing. It's childish, and if Bungie are gonna take a hard stance on leavers, people who throw matches by mid-match inactivity or trolling should receive the same punishment. An automatic way to detect this I suppose, just an example not a suggestion, would be if people held motes for too long when they had access to deposit them combined with the fact they were reported for griefing. It should be discouraged, and punished. It's pathetic behaviour and ultimately benefits no one. And of course the people who want to get the Breakneck quest done as soon as possible see no point in winning anyway, and just proceed to throw the match any time they can't have their way.



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