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原先發佈於: Forsaken Exotics
12/19/2018 7:47:25 AM
Bungie has nothing to do with 3rd party apps.



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  • Not arguing that (re: 3rd party). Just saying that since the I don't have all the non-quest Foresaken exotics for my hunter, I would have expected at least one (preferably both actually) of them to be Foresaken DLC. That they were both the same exotic is either the world's shittiest luck or there's a problem, noting the anti-duplicate patch. I've also been getting dupes on catalyst's, both completed and those still in progress.



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  • That was no anti-duplicate patch, at least not as far as engram drops go. There was one quite a while back to stop duplicate exotics on back-to-back milestones, but that was it.



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  • Scroll down to see the 2.0.5 patch notes at the bottom.... Whilst it's not forbidding the chance of duplication, the background mechanics place a higher probability on you getting something you don't already have. Note the third bullet point; so the probability of getting a dupe weapon is low let alone getting that same duplicate twice. Exotic Duplicate Weighting When a player receives an Exotic, we now take into account all Exotics the player has found and weight them against Exotics they have yet to acquire. This lowers the player’s chances of receiving Exotics they already own. Exotics that the player does not yet own are individually weighted much higher than duplicate Exotics When receiving duplicate Exotics, the player is more likely to earn armor pieces as these have randomly rolled perks



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  • Nowhere does that say that you won't get duplicates. You have a lower chance of getting a duplicate, that's all.



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  • Appears I'm not the only one having a mixed experience



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  • 由WhoMe_YesYou編輯: 12/19/2018 2:08:26 PM
    Ok. Let's look at what that chance actually is. For a given character (I'll use my hunter) assuming that they have all DLCs and completed all exotic quests, that character has access to roughly 75 exotics. That's 1.3% probability The odds (without any weighting adjustment from the patch) of getting the same exotic twice in a row is 0.018% So do I have shitty luck or maybe the code has a hitch....



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  • You've done your maths terribly wrong. The chance of getting the same twice in a row is 1.3%, not what you said.



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  • sorta, its 1.3% after your first exotic engram but leading into two exotics there's 75^2 possible combinations. Its just a matter of perspective. Side note tho, of the half dozen exotics that I've had since the original post only one hasn't been a duplicate (Lord of Wolves). Funnily enough it happened to be the very next one after the post. Fingers crossed, the RNG gods favour me after this one too.



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  • No, it's not a matter of perspective. The odds of getting the same exotic twice on the run is 1.3%. If I were to specify a particular exotic for you to get twice on the row, then you'd multiply. But just getting 2 of the same on the run is 1.3%.



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  • 由WhoMe_YesYou編輯: 1/1/2019 9:42:08 PM
    You realise that you just reaffirmed my point? You're assuming the Independence of Events, ie dice have no memory. But Bungie uses an algorithm which has a memory function which makes the results relative. Anyhow you look at it, the odds are less than 2% when those patch notes are working correctly. There's sufficient enough posts in this forum to imply that it's not working as designed. Hell, go check out MessaSean on YouTube and see how long it's taken him to get a Foresaken exotic on any of his three characters.



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  • I'm not trying to disagree with your point, I'm just letting you know you got your maths wrong.



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