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由Amara Burrger編輯: 11/30/2018 5:57:19 PM

Not a Post Griping About Pinnacle Weapons

Yeah Ice Subclass PLEASE!


Noooooo. No no no. No ice class. Stop it.


I'm indifferent. *shrug*


Okay so I [i]was[/i] about to write a big long post about how disappointing the Pinnacle Weapons are, to me, but my mind began to wander and I'm down to just one thing I wanna say and have [i]been wanting[/i] to say. I know this isn't a suggestion box, but, BUNGIE, I WANT AN ICE-ELEMENTAL SUBCLASS! I'm certain I'm not alone in this. But I mean COME ON, you guys. You've been throwing in ice-themed stuff off and on since The Warmind. Hell, on launch we got the COLDheart and it even has a super frosty skin available for it! Stop teasing me and gimme some freezing powers! *remembers manners* Er...PLEASE gimme some freezing powers. Contrite is hard to pull off when you're feeling pissy about something. hahaha (Edit: Not for nothing but I even have a write-up of their full lists of powers. 2 trees worth. It was before the third was added)



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