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由Spysey Nochos編輯: 11/23/2018 5:13:32 AM

A Sincere Thank You to Bungie

Happy Thanksgiving everyone! I have have barely touched this site but decided to post because of something that just hit me in the feels. I was getting kind of tired of my RDR2 Theme on the PlayStation and decided to have a look at what else I could change it to, and I saw all of my old D1 themes and decided to check ‘em out again..... man was it emotional. I enabled that original theme with the three guardians facing the traveler, with the hunter in the middle and all, and once that music kicked in, I just thought of all of my favorite moments of Destiny. My first time beating a raid (I only had one friend to play with when D1 launched so my first was Crota), my first time going flawless (which was with my cousin and someone I became best friends with because we both enjoyed Destiny), and exploring the secrets of the Dreadnought with my squad of, then freshman, nerds. I think fondly of my time grinding in the crucible for a god-rolled matador. I still remember playing no-HUD Hide-N-Seek with my best friend in the reef while LFGing for a third to do trials with. I thought about how excited we were when we laid our eyes on the TTK trailer during a sleepover. Finally, it reminded me of how hyped we were for D2 when it was first announced, playing the Beta non-stop, trying to soak it all up before the long wait til launch. Since then, we’ve come and gone from the game but it’s always been there when we got bored of whatever we were hooked on. Unfortunately, I’ve had to change my PSN profile since the launch of D2, but I still loved playing through the campaign on all of my characters again. And you know what Bungie? You guys have given me so much joy throughout my middle and high school years. Now, I’m a high-school senior and I guess it’s the first time I’ve looked back at my life and Geez has this year made me sentimental. Without all of you, I wouldn’t have my future Best Man at my wedding without you. I wouldn’t have had a way to relax from the pressures of high academic expectations. I wouldn’t have drawn closer to my brother and cousin who used to seem so different from me. I guess what I’m trying to say here is just thank you. For everything. “Stay Golden [Bungie]” -Johnny, [i]The Outsiders[/i] Edit: Just realized I posted this in Community so I moved it to Destiny 2



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