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11/8/2018 7:00:25 AM

Is Balder 1112 legitimately believe the shyt 'e posts or is this some sort of composite of a character?

Just opened the OT debate 1 thread and saw an incredibly ignorant rant of text by this dood, is it for real or is it supposed to be ironic/sarcastic? Human being with AnCap-anarchist (anarcho-capitalist for the uninitiated; pro-free markets essentially, 'capitalism/t' is really a slur started by Krl Mrx used to attack free market proponents) who holds ethical deist beliefs just curious. What does this dood think the efficacy of acting in such a manner will entail and bear? Not into banning peepz but the same can be said for Echo and the progressive-regressive contingent in kely2 and co.. Are these people all or some combo of them paid in some data center to cult-ure create and are really suckn each other off backstage or what? The football team mentality is sickening and eye find both sides of this false dichotomy disgusting, eye refuse to choose between a dbag and toord sandwich like on Sowth Prk, as all three forms of Playtonic State government do not work, and are really only 1 form disguised sometimes as the other two (oligarchies competing against others, perhaps in a sick Str Trk 6-like game of population control at the behest of different alien patrons and these narcissistic psychopaths and ignorant masses and cowards are merely proxies to each other). Eye think first, terms should be defined, because it is hard to communicate between people if words are not understood what they mean between the two, another thing is finding people able to maintain a cordial demeanor and are more interested in the truth-seeking mission of the conversation than others who intend only to agitate for either side and cause protests to turn into riots (this happens on both of the really-one-party-for-wahr-and-power). So much misrepresentation, conflation, false equivalencies/dichotomies, projection, agitation, obstruction, obfuscation, deflection, denial, distraction, ad homs, fallacies of the bald assertion and assumed paradigm, by para-political fourth estate wannabe pukes.....disgusting actors, scribes, phaeracies, HYPOCRITES! Where hath reason, rationality, and critical thinking gone? Where art thou? The deth of language, the lessening of happened in 1 9 8 4 by G O, and it's happening today by charlatans. Eye am neither liberal nor conservative, and neither are many who claim to be liberal or not identify as labels, they are descriptors not labels to be identified with, one is a human being FIRST....who subscribe to such methodology to happenings and are not mutually exclusive to either line-of-thinking and obligated to taking that route with every conundrum one faces. Each person is a sovereign individual and endowed forever by their Creator/Natural Law with unalienable Rights, RECOGNIZED (not given and take-away-able) by the Framing Documents of this country and found throughout the west and even some in the east (it is unfair to claim it is a west thing or east thing, concepts are eternal and can be discovered anywhere....who's to say some caveman in the Orient didn't find this stuff out only the westerners in the Enlightenment did and wrote down later?). It is not a choice between nationalism and globalism, crony capitalism knows no bounds on either side and when the path before one splits into two undesirable ways, make a third. One is a superTRIBE the other is a few TRIBES with one lording over the rest, or a couple, NEITHER WORK, how about breaking that up into the villages that comprise the tribes and inter-tribal relations and then focusing more on the families and individual therein? A la charts from T h e J o y s o f t h e P s y c h o p a t h o c r a c y by G r e g C a t o n, one's inter-tribal relations, IF ANY, should be ancillary and subservient to one's tribe, not the other way around, and one's tribal relations, IF ANY, should be ancillary and subservient to one's village relations, not the other way around, and one's village relations, IF ANY, should be ancillary and subservient to one's family unit, not the other way around, and one's family unit, IF ANY, should be ancillary and subservient to the great unit of existence that is the individual (Objectivists/A R I peepz should agree with this take, some overlap with AnCapping/libertarianism). -Ists/Isms/Ics/etc., all these corporate buzzwords helping dehumanize, deactuate, deindividuate etc., were warned against by both G e o r g e W a s h i n g t o n, among other Prezes AND C a r l J u n g and echoed today by DocJBP!!! There is a difference between classical liberal, liberal (especially in the 'new world'), progressive (one could argue there are two types) and libertarian, as well as conservative and neocon; throwing words around like fashy/commie etc., is playing with fyr and both are rooted in socialism, one is merely on a different scale than the other and all are 'leftist' in that they favor this mystical mythical artificial social construct of the State and the 'greater good' of the collective interests over the individual's Adm Smyth said, the individual ambition serves the common good, so FUHK THAT SHYT, EYE AIN'T NO BOHRG FROM STR TRK!!!! Even fashies come in different stripes, as Bnito Musolini said, Hitler type government isn't fashy it's corporatocratic, B M was fashy, and G Orwl's definition is of whoever is authoritarian or disagrees with muhself is one. All very Chomskeesque today, with the deplatforming and moving of goalposts to fit a narrative and accept only discourse within that's all 'lynskiite and all leads to Malthuhsian SPenglahrian Schmidhtian Grahntian population control nytmares Hitlr wrote luv letters to and about before offing 'em because muh purity spiral of course..... Sides lead to 'cides people.... What side am eye on? Eye'm on no one's side little orc, because no one is on muh side....-Treebearhd LordoftheRingz!!! Fear pr0n fer pr0n on the wall who's the scurrdiest of dem all!? Eye am pro-choice and pro-life.....if yuh do not understand this concept, there is not something wrong with mself, there is something wrong with yew... Eye am open-borders but anti-artificially-induced mass migration of people incompatible or not for nefarious purposes.....a wall and such stringent policies are not needed, they only play into the hands of the n W o by being a reactionist in the problem-reaction-solutionism Heglian Dialectic..... Placing too much emphasis on the Procrustean, fragile (classroom), line-of-thinking or Epimethean, robust (in the field personal experience on the front lines) is BULSHYT and should strive for Promethean, antifragile thinking and problem-solving. Imagine a hill, in 3 0 0 esque battle between Greehks and Persiahns, there is a rear guard at the top of the hill in the back overlooking the front lines in the valley and there are two troops who are arguing with the commander on what to do next, one is from the frontin thevalley and suggests good knowledge on different weaponry and armor, because they know what pierces what wear, while the other rearguardsman suggests different movements and tactics because that person can see patterns in troop movements from up high and afar, better tactics not necessitating further loss of life. WHY is this a decision between the two with little time and resources left in today's age when there are merits and drawbacks of both? Imagine the mind of the commander. If there is a leaky roof and one family has only enough time and tools to fix one problem, and there are leaks in other rooms at different floors, don't just fix one ceiling on one floor, then others open up and flood like a game of whackamol in a chyld's gaming n pizza restaurant. GO TO THE ROOF AND FIX THE SOURCE! Rdyrd Kiplng said 'e kept several honest serving men, their names Who what when where why and how....well, Mr. How is being beaten to deth and mister why is outside in the cold rain. When greater efficiency in the face of boogeymen is wanted BAHD THINGS HAPPEN (chattel slavry brought on by paranoid North's aggression and mistreatment of Southerners to compete/protect against Englnd and maintain a monopoly on trade, because one is agrarian and two are industrial, the industrial needs agrarian and agrarian could use industrial, no one wanted another wahr so bulshyt taxes came into play and southern families had their hands tied and the cottn gin complicated matters too, to compete with those who could afford it, poorer slaveowners had to up the ante on their own to meet quotas that were unfairly laid on them just because some could meet them easily even didn't mean ALL could, ruining their economy and leading to mistreatment of otherwise not as bahd as history class and Hollyweird agitprop make people believe slaves. Muh Thmas Jefrsn n G W had slaves.....bleh, come off it, and stop disregarding linear time n space, one's own individual syns and accomplishments are between one individual and Creator, judge a tree by its fruit not what came from past plating in such soil or seed bags. Message to muh reparations for slavery crowd and anti-raghead crowd alike. Different times and not all were mistreated to such a regard, YES it was immoral but PREFERABLE TO DETH which was the alternative and am not going to engage in whataboutisms regarding blaks only slaves in 'merica and Brbry slave trade, let'z all be honest here..... EVERY.ONE.IN.THE.WORLD.HAS.HAD.AN.ANCESTOR.THAT.WAS.AT.ONE.POINT.A.SLAVE.OR.A.SLAVEOWNER/MASTER.OR.BOTH!!!! Technically, semantically perhaps, one could argue TODAY there are slaves in one place or another of any type of person man or woman and color of skin, EVEN in the west, depending on one's personal definitions and criteria, and merely traded in steel for gold plated chains and paraded and celebrated like kangz superior to another type of person, yet still a slave either to another of that type, another type, or themselves! Don't support the system, STARVE THE BEEEST!



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  • No, no, eye am more tahn familiar with the subredits of the like, like that one and B and G's version, but eye don't want to limit muh self to those echochambers/spheres of influence, the goal is to expand 'em, and eye can't educate people and help 'em save 'emselves (reread what eye just read, help 'em save 'emselves, not save 'em, because that's part of the problem, listen to DocJBP), so eye do this on whatever boards/forums eye am apart of/can do this on, that is within another sphere of influence of meyn, of things eye like, where some overlap could be found and expounded upon. Oppressed and suppressed sphere of influence gotta stick together.



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