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由QuaLiTy編輯: 11/3/2018 8:14:39 AM

Attention all smaller clans! (XBOX ONE)

NOW TAKING IN SMALLER CLANS!! Looking for more people to play with? Tired of searching for a clan to join? Tired of grinding alone? Tired of rage quitters? Don't want to be singled out due to skill? XGN is the place to be!! We are a multi-platform community of gamers who strive constantly to be a hub for ALL gamers. We are also a large community consisting of over 3000 members strong across MANY games so you will never be stuck looking for friends and players to game with! Stop grinding to reach max clan rank or power level alone! Join up now so you dont miss out!! Looking to join? Want more info? Have questions? Message my GT on XBOX ONE (XGN QuaLiTy vii) or sign up at our website Requirements are simple: - Must have a working mic - Must be 16+ or older - Must be willing to use discord app - Must have gamerscore above 2000



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