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由NeonPropose編輯: 9/27/2018 4:50:25 AM

Who else gets angry during a good day?

I mean you could be having a great day. You get to spend time with the friends you care about. See your family. Heck, school could actually be going pretty well for once. And then all of a sudden it goes to absolute -blam!-ing shit. Like you could get moaned at for no reason. Or you could have a family member get really pissy cause the rest of the family told her last that the loser writing this forum post, came out to everyone else first. Or that your geography course work questions keep getting shot down, for being too broad or that there is no easy method to collect primary data. Coupled with anxiety what could go wrong. FML Does anyone else get that? Or am I actually losing hold of the thread I’ve been calling sanity?



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    Nah Hoss, you aren't losing it, it is like some folks can't help but be that rain cloud on your bright and sun shiny day. Hell, look at how often it happens on these threads here. Someone posts something nice, upbeat, good message, etc, then there always needs to be at least one douchenozzle that wants to bring the OP down in every single way.



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