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9/20/2018 12:21:12 AM

Not being able to reacquire forsaken gear from collections is kind of stupid.. *this is why*

So far i have 3 missions that i CAN NOT complete because they require a full armor set/weapon set and i dont have the last item witch is always the class item, witch apparently is bugged and i cant get it dropped anymore. WAYY before i had these missions i either A) scrapped these because i didn't need them, or infused them because they were a lot better than what i had at the time, and now because I've done that i cant complete these missions since i don't have them anymore, why cant i go back and get these items again like from previous seasons? and yes i know i cant get them because of the "randomized mods" but why isn't there a fixed armor piece or something i CAN get?... this really bugs me



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