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9/19/2018 8:09:43 AM

Interesting Idea For Supremacy

This has probably been suggested and I have no clue if the Bungie Gods will hear my prayers but its 4 am and this idea wont seem any good after I've gotten sleep so here goes. I think an interesting fun new thing for Supremacy would be to add it to the Comp playlist (if it's not already. Haven't ever gotten it after who knows how many games) and then for crests to be worth a certain number glory points (maybe like 5 or less) Then by the end of the game, you receive glory rank for crests you've captured and lose points for each of YOUR crests captured by the enemy. This would add more intensity and enjoyment to supremacy which isnt as well liked as say clash or control atm, as well as make collecting crests mean something. Also it forces to risk losing points for the chance of a decent bonus to a win or maybe help mitigate glory decay from losing a game where you did very well and your team mates didn't. Then maybe Shaxx's yelling about taking glory will make sense. (Disclaimer: I am not opposed to Shaxx yelling about anything whether it makes sense or not) TL;DR: Supremacy should be in Comp and taking crests should give glory and losing them should take it away at match completion



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