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由pawnshopmonkey編輯: 9/16/2018 11:09:28 PM

New active clan

(XB1) > Do you ever experience times where matchmaking seems to squad you up with the worst D2 players? > Have you ever wanted a clan in Destiny where it always has active members that play pve and pvp, that you could squad up with anyone available? ELEVATED GAMING SOCIETY is here to trample through Forsaken and all of its content! We are not trying to be a small "clan" but as the name suggests...a society of top tier active guardians. We are willing to help people, but must be active and have a brain/thumbs. EGS is a mix of different crews with the same mindset-play to win and dominate! Composed of LSWP, and more clans to come. Elevate your gaming with us.



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