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8/28/2018 2:04:39 PM
Only 2 full resets? That's cute, I'm close to my 11th reset lol. The struggle is real. Catalysts should be rare though, Vigilance Wing is an exotic and a pretty good one too, so you're trying to make an already good weapon, even better. To me, that shouldn't be an overnight thing to accomplish.



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  • The point I am trying to make is that there must be reward for the work put in. 11th reset or the 3rd reset there must be a clear way to earn it. Say 15 resets later across all of destiny 2 life span. Am fine with that. I know I have 12 more to go.



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  • But its just down to luck though, a lot of people are asking for increased drop chances from strikes because people have done 200+ nightfall's and still no catalyst. I agree it should be tiny bit improved, but maybe not fixed on X resets.



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  • 由Veilfire07編輯: 8/28/2018 2:15:31 PM
    Precisely atleast give an increased chance every time there is no drop. If someone gets it in their second nightfall they don’t have to grind ever but for someone who did 200 nightfall’s who actually went through the grind there is no reward. Let RNG still be there just a tiny nudge in favor of those who keep grinding without a drop.



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  • They did that for Escalation Protocol and people are getting the EP weapons in 20 or less runs. I got my Shotgun in 17 runs, that's very fast. I agree it should be faster mind, don't get me wrong lol.



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  • Yes something like EP would be perfect. Where I know for sure there is a drop for me and hence the motivation to grind.



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