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由Azure編輯: 7/22/2018 4:02:20 PM


A couple of generous 380s took me through the Whisper quest about an hour back (only 365 myself), and we (one of the 380s and I) got the sniper on our first attempt. I'd heard a ton of rumors about just how powerful it was, one of which being that it could take the leg off of a spider tank in only three shots. So what did I do once I got the sniper? First thing I did was hop onto Titan and wait for a Public Event. I pulled out the sniper, shot a leg three times...and the leg was broken. I then proceeded to fire the thing over and over again into the tank's exposed weak point until it blew up, from when the tank's immune state dropped right at the start, the whole encounter took roughly 10 seconds to complete. This thing is an absolute beast, and with the Catalyst it'll be even better. The appearance only makes it better, and I just never want to put it away! Bungie, please, do NOT change a thing about this sniper. Well...maybe one thing... ...Seeing as it's called "Whisper of the Worm", any chance we could have Xol whisper dark secrets to us while we use it?



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