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6/19/2018 4:34:01 PM

Small clan looking to grow! (Clan Critiques/Reccomendations)

Clan seems interesting, I'd like to join!


Clan seems boring, it's lacking xyz(comment below)


Too small of a Clan


Metal Hendrix here representing the Metal Moshpit! Originally a group of metal lovers that enjoy Destiny, our family has been reduced to a mere 2 active members (that's no bueno). While the easy option is to delete the clan and join a new one, I'm a stubborn man and refuse to let go of the clan I've had since D1. Therefore I am, once again, extending an invitation to all Guardians of the Light and/or metal to join Metal Moshpit! while you may look at our low member count as a negative I see it as an indication of our room to grow! Since I am essentially the only active member right now, I've mostly been doing all milestones aside from the Nightfall, Raid, and Trials but would love to get back into those activities! Depending on how you guys feel about it, I want to start a Discord chat for our members once we hit a total of 7 active members. If you need help with a heroic adventure quest for an exotic, I'll help if I'm on. If you want to derp around in private matches, I'm down. If you want to take down the Cabal Emperor ad nauseam, I'm your guy, and we can be your clan.



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