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6/7/2018 12:53:53 AM

Guided Games - Raid Ticket Cap too Small

The current guided game raid ticket cap is 15. Given that currently there are 3 raids and players are awarded loot per character upon completion. That means that 9 tickets are used up if a player is really dedicated for a week. If a player is extremely casual and only completes a raid once per week on an individual character he will be out of tickets in 15 weeks. Guided game tickets reset every SEASON. Every season is within 3-6 months. No matter what if a player is consistently participating in guided games they will run out of tickets. Please revise the ticket cap or remove the ticket concept entirely please.



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  • I believe the point of the guided games is to not only experience/learn the content but to hook you up with players who you may connect with and end up adding as friends/joining clan in order to then have people to play those activities with regularly- it is to learn and connect, not to matchmake for your weekly powerful engrams



    以禮待人。發佈文章前請花點時間查看我們的行為準則 取消 編輯 創立火力戰隊 文章

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