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由EvelynWarden編輯: 5/31/2018 5:02:53 AM
I wouldn't mind seeing a slight nerf to the ranges but not damage output of those particular weapons - I have similar, but obviously not same, feelings about the Colony and it's PvP grenades and how many/how far those little suckers can follow you. However, I want there to be a meta, and at least it isn't the freaking Mida. Maybe somewhere around 5-7% range decrease to take away the edge but not the power? I'd like to see buffs to classes of guns around it, but in the case of VW and GL, they are exotic weapons. They deserve to feel more powerful in the hands of those who are playing them well. I think we need to give it time for other exotics to become equally viable in crucible. These are just the flavor of the month. Another thing to consider is the anticipated weapons system changes coming in September. I don't want that to be a cop-out for addressing unbalanced PvP, but it may cause an absence of action as the effort might be wasted in 4 months time. Unfortunately, a popular play-style that conflicts with how you want to play does not necessarily mean it is "too" powerful. I swallowed that pill for the Mida. I'm not sure which side of the line the GL and VW stand at current. I want to see other loot buffed and addressed before advocating for a nerf.



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  • I one hundred percent agree; though there is still the issue of what to do with legendary weapons; yes, exotics deserve to be more powerful, to be more [i]exotic[/i], and you probably shouldn't use a legendary weapon against something like Graviton Lance, but even then, I still don't know the purpose of Legendary Weapons at that point, if Exotics are able to show them up.



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  • Ah, okay. I think I understand better. Legendaries should be complimentary to exotics in the first/second slots, and those who play heavy do so with risk. The loot pool does need a buff, though I think it'll start with raising the roof of skill with exotics and then creating purple gear to meet that complimentary status. They serve a purpose, and it's to prevent players from using all high level gear all at once. Leveled skill sets and lack of variety was the biggest plague of the launch, and while it's better, it has room to grow. Some legendaries have been announced/released/teased that break their archetype entirely... I'm not sure that's the best thing to do either, but I'd say look forward to the breaches in that standardization in the very near future.



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  • Nice, I agree too.



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  • Thanks man, I appreciate it. Stay safe, Guardian.



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  • You too, it's nice to find thoughtful threads!



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