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由PanTango333編輯: 4/16/2018 5:59:48 PM

Will you play Defiance 2050 beta 4/20 to 4/22??

What's going on #gaming! This Friday, 4/20 thru Sunday 4/22 Trion Worlds is having a beta for Defiance 2050. If your not familiar with the original Defiance, it came out in 2013 on pc, ps3 and 360. It had a disastrous launch from what I read and had troubles getting off the ground. Its been 5 yrs now and the game is still being played on the platforms I mentioned above. It also had a 3 season (SyFy series) of the same name and the game follows the TV show. I've been playing Defiance over the weekend to see what its about. I have to say that this project was pretty ambitious for being on old generation consoles. Public events (Ark events) that I have participated in had up to 20 some people. I heard on the real big Arkfalls, a hundred people can participate. They also have an activity called shadow wars that has 64 v 64 open world PvP! The game is a huge open world game with episode missions, side missions, main missions and a whole lot of content to boot. Now, Defiance 2050 is going to be the same map and story that will be remastered. The game mechanics are going to be changing and the way you craft and level weapons will change. They also said "no power up microtrans" If your not hoping on board the God if War train, try to give this beta a shot. Game is pretty fun. Go to and sign up. They are giving beta keys away this week and you can try it out on PC, PS4 and Xbone. Edit: just got word on Twitter that the beta is going to be PC this weekend and Ps4 and Xbone beta is going to move to a diffrent weekend. Bummer!



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  • If I get my code Probably. I played the original on 360 before I got my one and I absolutely loved it. The only main issue I had was that I got lost in terms of what the fridge I was supposed to do but I loved it. Hopefully the “updates” don’t take a day to load either



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