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3/7/2018 9:22:23 AM

Feedback: I've got some for the community because Bungie isn't listening.

If you're bored with Destiny 2 because of its direction and all of the reasons spoken about adnauseum, and you're becoming bored and frustrated with the forums... Take a minute to sit down, and think about the message we're sending to Bungie by continuing to post here. We've given plenty of feedback, we've raged on the forums, we've pleaded with Bungie to listen to the community, and their paying customers. We've offered our suggestions, pain points, dissatisfaction, improvement ideas... Everything a community can. We've been vocal on the forums but yet we keep hearing the tired old lines. "We're listening" "Keep the feedback coming" Why? What has it actually achieved? I believe it's just another ploy to keep us "engaged". If you really want to send a message to Bungie, stop posting on the forums. I'm not saying anyone [u]has[/u] to, I'm not the boss of anyone. What I'm proposing is, to take one of the mediums for showing Bungie we still care, and take it out of the equation. They're not able to try to convince you of anything in game, but here, they can directly interact with you. Player numbers are one thing, and if you've already stopped playing, or have slowed right down, that's sending a message already. They're aware, don't think for a minute that they're not. And I'm guilty of still jumping on a couple of times a week to shoot shit, because well, the shooting mechanics in D2 (and of course D1), are one of the only things you can truly say are great about the game. Sometimes I just want to shoot some pixels. But the forums are a place we come and think that [i]maybe[/i] our posts [i]might[/i] make a difference. My proposal is to not post anything at all for 2 weeks from the time of reading this post. Sure, I could have said something more like "stop posting forever", but we all know that's not going to happen... We need something to do while we're on the crapper. But baby steps. Sometimes saying nothing at all says the most. If you want to be united as community and send a message... A real message... Consider this. Don't reply to this post. Just like it (or not, cos screw that xeno guy), and then close the forums. I won't be replying to this, and if it sinks to the depths I won't be doing anything to bring it back. I'm done providing "feedback" to Bungie, because it's pointless. Are you?



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