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由BassTlTAN編輯: 12/7/2017 6:21:26 PM

I have to say it - I am enjoying the new DLC

TLTR - I love this SH!T. I see so many threads here crapping on the new DLC, Curse of Osiris. I am [b]67[/b] and I have been playing Destiny since the Beta 8-level. being 67, I guess my level of tolerance now is a lot more than the "[b]younger[/b]" generation which makes up the majority of Destiny 1 and 2 players. I started the CoO as soon as the download finished on Tuesday and as of today (Thursday), I have not yet completed the campaign portion. I am loving this new DLC, it reminds me somewhat of the feeling I got when I first played the [b]Vault of Glass[/b] raid. I take my time to go through each section and kill every god-damned alien I see, and just before I finish each section, I look around and explore a little. The graphics and artistic work is bloody amazing. If anybody has ever worked on producing a game, they would realize it takes many, many people to develop it, not just programmers. Also, at my age, $20 is not too much to pay to have this much fun! Hell I could spend $20 on a 2-hour movie, or a meal, and not get the same amount of pleasure as this gives. For Christ's sake, I still play D1 from time to time, and what did that cost in total for over 2 years of daily entertainment? Anyway, enough said, as a wise man once said, "Opinions are like a$$holes, everyone has one!". And this old fart's opinion is......"I love D1 and D2"! I am going back to killing some sh!t. Ciao.
#feedback #dlc #coo



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