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由DevilRUSY編輯: 1/15/2018 7:20:30 AM

Destiny is DEAD

Destiny was one of my most favorite games of our time, being a great example of loyal community staying up against those who say it was a dead game from the beginning. We've done so many things together that you couldn't do in any other game, but... It's all in the past. Now, Destiny 2 is a game I personally loved playing... for first 20 hours, an estimated time for a casual player to discover everything basic, but I dug much, much deeper. 500+ hours later, after doing everything in this game, I can say that it's an absolute waste of time and effort to find anything in empty shells called Nessus, EDZ, Titan, Io and especially Mercury, the biggest disappointment of them all. The world is empty, lore is lost and forgotten, enemies learned NOTHING from last game, gunplay, although similar to D1, is boring because of that "rebalance" they tried to make... but you know Bungie, they never can balance a darn thing. Although the community is still trying to stay strong, it's clear that they accept something they stood up against all this time, and that something is inevitable death of Destiny. It's a shame, really, because despite me loving the lore, Bungie is way too incompetent to utilize it, couldn't make it what everyone but the management team envisioned it to be. Bungie is incompetent, especially the management team. You can't rely on these guys anymore. Endless "fixes", free DLCs with a $20-60 price tag, microtransactions in a game I already paid $100 for and lies to the audience, ever since D1. I love Destiny's universe and D1 gameplay-wise, but I hate Destiny 2 in every aspect. The "Too much story", "Fair and fun gameplay" and "Bungie not listening, but doing" bs. And I could've kept playing D1... except Bungie doesn't give a crap about this game anymore, leaving it to slowly die and rot. I'm deleting Destiny off PS4, PC and Phone (Destiny app), because I'm done. There should've never been a sequel. Goodbye. [b]GUARDIAN DOWN[/b]



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