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由frostsoul編輯: 12/29/2017 3:33:28 AM

New Player Looking for PvP oriented PC EU clan

Yo as the title says im looking for a clan that focuses more on PvP (Dont mind doing some pve either but my focus will be PvP).Im new to this game but veteran to fps/mmos.Looking forward to finding PvP m8s in this one ;) Have discord,ts3,working mic and im not afraid to use it :D



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  • Looking for a chill, casual clan? Come and join Vigorous Void. We are an active clan on PC, mainly EU. We like to do anything. We can do PvP, PvE, Raids, Strikes and anything else. We're a happy, positive bunch that are happy to do anything with our clan members. We've got our own Discord however we are a brand new clan so don't expect anything too big from us. We don't have many members at the moment.



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