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由Faji Fox編輯: 12/23/2017 12:01:40 PM

Post is no longer available. Please move on since everyone is on the opposite end of the argument.

Destiny 2 sucks. Game is unbalanced, people are toxic, others with mental/physical disabilities get all praise by the so-called "community leaders." Good day -blam!-.



以禮待人。發佈文章前請花點時間查看我們的行為準則 取消 編輯 創立火力戰隊 文章

  • [quote]If you are this person, -blam!- you. Yes it "blammed" my comment. Because, seriously... GO -BLAM!- YOURSELF! I joined up with a few raid teams looking for people who have "completed the raid/raid lair 30+ times" and can't even get past a single damage phase without someone dying or not enough DPS. Stats check out on 3rd party sites proving they've done the completions, but why the hell can't you do it!? I just learned both the raid & raid lair mechanics tonight. Beat the raid against Calus in 30 minutes. Yes, I am a quick learner. [/quote] 1. Calm the h*ll down! A post like yours makes me suspect YOU are the problem. A hot temper will get you nowhere fast in a raid. 2. You have 1 normal leviathan clear and ZERO Lair clears so your raid experience level is noob (no matter how fast you think you learn). You did NOT beat Calus in 30 minutes, your run was 52 minutes. Now if you were referring to just the Calus fight itself, then 30 minutes is nothing to brag about. 3. I checked your raid stats as well as the stats of all the people you attempted the lair with. Nearly all of the people you attempted the lair with have ZERO clears. Only 3 people in your 2 attempts had cleared it and of those 3, two of them had only cleared it one time. Your expectations are WAY too high when running with a crew like that. 4. If you want to get good at the raid then join a clan that is active in it. In my clan we raid every night. We work on strategies and then fine tune them to what works best. Even though everyone may know the raid, you should have a clear leader who can organize, strategize and adjust player positions as needed. We have a lot of fun when we raid but we also get the job done without beating our heads against the wall for hours on end. 5. Lastly, if your in-game temper is anything like it is here on this post then you are in for big disappointment because no solid raid team is going to run with you if you act like a hothead. [quote] Did I miss anything!? Do any of you agree?[/quote] Don't agree at all and your 2 attempts (neither being over 2 hours) are not enough to warrant this kind of post.



    以禮待人。發佈文章前請花點時間查看我們的行為準則 取消 編輯 創立火力戰隊 文章

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