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由EmrakuI-編輯: 12/3/2017 8:36:45 AM

Daily Exotic Idea #23

Welcome everyone to #23 of my exotic ideas. Today is some interesting weapons that I️ hope you enjoy. If you weren’t already aware all of my posts have links at the bottom to the previous and forward post of mine. Enjoy and please leave your thoughts! PRIMARY: EXOTIC PULSE RIFLE Name: Adamant Force RoF: 540 Impact: 23 Range: 42 Stability: 50 Reload Speed: 40 Handling: 33 Magazine size: 36 Weapon Perks: —>Exotic Perk 1: (It’s not Over) Rounds ricochet off of walls and enemies, damaging enemies close by. [Rounds after ricochet do slightly less damage] —>Headseeker —>Accurized Rounds —>Exotic Perk 2: (Keep Driving) Getting a kill with this weapon temporarily increases mod benefits for you and close by allies. [Lasts for 8 seconds, increasing mod benefits by 30%] ENERGY: EXOTIC VOID HAND CANNON Name: The Nightmare RoF: 110 Impact: 90 Range: 58 Stability: 50 Reload Speed: 30 Handling: 32 Magazine size: 12 Weapon Perks: —>Exotic Perk 1: (Twin Terrors) This weapon fires a round on trigger pull and release. [You can hold R2 after firing as long as you want and release to fire second round, pulling R2 and releasing immediately fires two rounds] —>Alloy Magazine —>High Caliber Rounds —>Exotic Perk 2: (Silent Kill) The first round fired from this weapon has zero recoil while the release shot has all the recoil. [Damage would be balanced to align with other ttk’s] POWER: EXOTIC ARC FUSION RIFLE Name: Marble Cloud Charge Time: 0 Impact: 99 Range: 65 Stability: 30 Reload Speed: 35 Handling: 45 Magazine size: 9, 45 max [9 ammo in pvp] Weapon Perks: —>Exotic Perk 1: (Hacked Coil) This weapon fires a single projectile with higher damage instantly for each trigger pull. [This would take 2 precision shots or 3 body shots to kill in pvp, scopes zoom would be a middle ground between a linear fusion and snipers] —>Snapshot —>Lightweight —>Exotic Perk 2: (Exquisite Nature) Precision shots pass through the enemy leave a beam of Arc energy behind them for a short period of time, damaging enemies who pass through. [Similar to armor Piercing Rounds except they stay in midair briefly before disappearing; range of beam would be slightly less than Cup to Ax plate in Calus Throne] Link to #22 Link to #24



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  • 由Dr. Fish, PhD編輯: 12/26/2017 3:39:53 AM
    Hey man, would you mind if I started gathering your daily exotics in my exotic idea post? Just so they are easier to find?



    以禮待人。發佈文章前請花點時間查看我們的行為準則 取消 編輯 創立火力戰隊 文章

  • That's a real nifty Fusion Rifle, a fusion of a Linear Fusion Rifle (which we need more of, Bungie!) and a Sniper Rifle. I'm all for 540 RPM Pulse Rifles. If this works as well as I hope it will, that could be a real dangerous thing for PvP. The Nightmare is a really unique and cool concept for a Hand Cannon. Given that it's in the 110 RPM range, I'm going to assume it'll take around 6 shots to kill, with good placement? Again, real neat weapons that I'd dismantle a whole lot of guns for.



    以禮待人。發佈文章前請花點時間查看我們的行為準則 取消 編輯 創立火力戰隊 文章

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    • That power wepeon would be great!



      以禮待人。發佈文章前請花點時間查看我們的行為準則 取消 編輯 創立火力戰隊 文章

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      • -Description for Adamant Force: They told me to give up a long time ago. It's time I show them why I didn't. -For The Nightmare: You aren't waking up from this one. -For Marble Cloud: > It doesn't make any sense! < It's not supposed to. Marble Cloud is a lot like one from Voiddragon. Not totally the same, but similar. Just thought I'd let you know. I still really, really like these things. It took me a while to do this because the page was posted while I was asleep :( Can't wait for more, though!



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