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11/24/2017 6:53:23 PM

My worry with Curse of Osiris - Religious themes?

Hey devs and guys! I was just going to buy the new expansion for destiny 2 today, but ended up reading about it a bit first. I went to eurogamer and it seemed really cool, but unfortunately I don't think I am going to buy it. The reason being that I don't like the religious themes which are being put in the game, ie. an "altar" where you will be rewarded with Vex weapon or some kind of "prophecies"/quests, where you also get gear. I know for others this might be a minor issue, but I just can't stand when religion gets put in game, where it plays no role - like a looter rpg which Destiny 2 is. Some of you might be able to figure my faith out from my battletag, but please, stay on topic of my worry - I might totally have misunderstood what was meant with altar/prophecies, so would love to hear more / discuss further - especially from a dev, but also anyone else.



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