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由Ekso編輯: 11/13/2017 3:21:14 AM

Looking for med/large Crucible clan PC - preferably east coast

Blizz id: Ekso#11300 Discord id: Dan#4524 I am looking for a pure Crucible clan, preferably east coast US. I'm not amazing but I am far more interested in pvp than raiding and looking for cool people to run with. I am very interested in trials and looking for a clan large enough to have active players running trials constantly on the weekends and weekday afternoons 7pm-11pm EST. I'm aware that my Elo ratings are garbage at the moment but I'm still down to prove my worth as part of a team. I play gunslinger hunter exclusively for now. Stats from destiny tracker are in the link. Add and/or message me on blizz or discord if interested. I'm looking for large clans or medium/small clans of people who need more for trials.



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