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10/25/2017 12:08:20 PM

Bungie, this PC ban fiasco needs dealing with right now.

On PC, players can get banned for using pretty much anything with an overlay, or even updating their graphics card in the background while the game is playing. As per your policy regarding bans, once players been banned, regardless of whether they are guilty or innocent, they can't get back into the game at all, and you will completely ignore any and all requests to even discuss the ban. This is not okay on any level, and unless this is fixed as soon as possible, I honestly believe that this might kill the game. You need to give us something to let us know that you are aware of the issues. You need to fix your cheat-detection software, you need to change your policy regarding bans, and you need to undo every single ban that was caused by this. Also, I know this has been thrown around as a joke in the past but I really mean it, PC players should get free silver for having to put up with this. If it was happening on console, I'd expect compensation, so I think the guys on PC deserve it.



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  • 4 of 400 people were falsely banned and those were overturned. If you are one of the others you deserve your ban.....don't try to cheat or manipulate code.



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    • 由PhNx Hellfire編輯: 10/26/2017 5:33:28 AM
      Ok. Seen this argument before on multiple PC games: #1. No graphics card being updated argument is a rock solid one. When Warhammer 40k detected active data feeds coming from a graphics card? The easiest and most accessible actual hardware item on a PC? It auto resulted in a ban because you literally are updating live feed data based on the update. Certain AMS ones won't do that, but core intel one's do it all the time. If you want to update your drives or other software? Sometimes produces the same issue. This is how PC's behave. You want an ideal world? Do what I did and learn Linux Red Hat programming, find a qualified technician to help you work what will take years of practice to accomplish, and set parameters based on locked graphics settings for every 2 hours like most PC gaming engines do. Or you can spend about 1100 dollars and buy a PC gaming set which locks you into a game mode and works directly with the engine itself. That locks your current settings in and specifically won't allow it update a live feed. #2. Only certain overlay functions directly work with graphical inputs. Most are actually controller-to-keyboard override inputs if I remember correctly, but you should be double checking to see if that controller has inputs beyond stats or controls. Most PC games, for example, allow MSI Afterburner which collects your stats from the in-game report system. It doesn't allow for graphical overlay. The only issue with overlays is the live feed and overflow aspects. If too much overflow happens, any number of complications can occur like lag, memory allocation, buffer overflow, crashes on any number of levels, and even core memory manipulation of your own PC/servers in rare instances. This means crucible on a PC will have complications and produce problems. I get the reasoning behind it. You can find really rock solid engines like WoW or Rift and they will flat out tell you or even purposely crash the activity your in to ensure you are warned about doing something incorrect. Other times? You won't get that far and you'll need to have known not to do that. Again, no gaming engine is perfect.



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      7 回覆
      • Oh Lordy if you thought there were people complaining before. Cue the PC horde. What a mistake.



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      • 由GalvatronVTS編輯: 10/26/2017 7:22:40 AM
        It's not a fiasco. Some people were caught cheating in the beta and after a manual review they were banned. A couple were mistakingly given and Bungie admitted to this and fixed it/are in the process of correcting it. Or so it's been said.



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        18 回覆
        • Bungee be a big boy and look into everything undo everything if you have to compensate victims apoligize dont let this happen ever again, we will forgive you atleast most of us will, those that you banned and haven't unbanned and and potentially will forget about never will, so plz make sure you are 100% certain you are dealing with cheaters first before taking action record the proof so next time this happens you can look back at the proof to see if the proof is legit or not.



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        • Sorry, they're too busy with their heads up their own collective ass hoping that if they just ignore it it will all go away.



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          15 回覆
          • To all PC players...Might as well cheat your ass off and have some fun cause this game sux and has zero endgame, so if you get cheat banned your not missing out on anything. Haven't you fools been paying attention to the console gamers and their total disappointment with D2...? Guess not cuz ya still "threw money at the screen", at least you might make some new friends...SUCKERS



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          • makes me scared to start the game up! What is going on here , why didn't they make this perfectly clear to pc gamers before they bought the game? Bungie are fast losing their good name .



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          • Have fun with your perma ban hackers! HAHAHA! Love how they all jump on the bandwagon after losing 80 bucks trying to hack like they do on CS go and The division (which btw is a better game).



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          • Players should absolutely be compensated. It's going to take legal action and that's what I am working on now. My account was also banned and I'm not a cheater. Been gaming since 1983 and nothing remotely close to this has ever happened. They are in the wrong and they're going to pay.



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            6 回覆
            • [quote]free silver[/quote] Lmao



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            • Here is the thing bungie never listens to what you have to say. They act like they do and no matter what wrongs they do, they will never give anything out for free.



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            • Get your money back for the game. They will never give out silver for this.



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              1 回覆
              • [quote]Also, I know this has been thrown around as a joke in the past but I really mean it, PC players should get free silver for having to put up with this. If it was happening on console, I'd expect compensation, so I think the guys on PC deserve it.[/quote] Hahaha Get something for free from Bungie??? You must be new around here.Quick, instead of asking for silvert, ask for a refund... You will thank me in oh, about 12 hours of game time from now, when you realise that there is nothing else to do...



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                1 回覆
                • Welcome to bungievision world PC scrubs 🤣 (Master race - what a joke) We warned you....



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                • Mark "The Nose" Jeworthy: Everything is working as intended goy- I mean friends. Only bannable software is resulting in bans. Please see the difference between restrictions and permanent bans. Check out the eververse for some cool new emotes! Please look forward to it.



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                • Yeah this game sucks



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                • You believe it might kill the game? It’s pretty much already dead to me lol. This is a huge nail in the coffin.



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                • 由RAIST5150編輯: 10/25/2017 5:22:50 PM
                  They need to put out a test utility of some sort so people can verify what is safe or not before they try playing the game. Ideally, would be nice if there was a benchmark utility that could have this testing integrated somehow. This way, people who are doing something like using simple overlays to monitor stats while tweaking their system don't get caught up in the dragnets. Sure, they named some specific things that will and won't be tolerated... but that only helps those who take the time to research the issue before they try to play. At the VERY least, it needs to be tested and notification given DURING the install and/or launching of the game.



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                  • This could have been done better with a twenty minute warning suspension and a list of offending programs to turn off. MAYBE at worst ban regularly repeat offenders but zero tolerance makes zero sense.



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                  • Bungie did say something. It's on IGN bungie said it's not their fault it's the fault of the players cheating.



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