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由FoMan123編輯: 10/23/2017 3:48:54 AM

"Yeah this game sucks" #FreeDabest

Recently, a local hero known only as "Dabest" has been wrongly punished for simply sharing his groundbreaking and thought provoking thoughts on this game. Never has there ever been such a perfect member in this community such as Dabest, he is something we should all strive to be, something better. I implore you, fellow guardians. Take up the teachings of Dabest, spread his holy text to every corner of these forums. Let us all be joined whole under his word. Let us pray, that some day, when these forums are united under his teachings... Dabest will return to us and usher in a new age of golden, intelligent forum discussions. Go forth and spread his word, let it be know that "Yeah this game sucks" Dabest be with you, Brothers. [quote]"Yeah this game sucks" - All father Dabest[/quote]



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