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由Lenskyj783編輯: 10/23/2017 7:34:08 AM

Like if D2 is Disappointing ☹

I had fun at the beginning of the journey. Then I don't know what happened. The final nail in the coffin for me was the absence of prestige raid rewards. This time around I had the belief that D2 would pick up where year 3 left off. Not a few steps behind vanilla. I am Jack's broken dream. How are you guys finding the game at this point? How are you spending your time when online? Or are you taking a break till the expansion? Edit: Trending. I would like to thank you all for your contributions. It isn't satisfying for me that this post has so many people in agreement. I respect that the developers put in long hours and massive amounts of energy to craft Destiny 2. I understand that the product at launch is a foundation that will be built on in time. However, when you review the constructive feedback and the similar ideas from a variety of Guardians. It is genuinely surprising that Bungie didn't anticipate these issues would eventuate. Sadly this culminates in a validation of the title. At this point in time "D2 is Disappointing".



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  • 由Guardian編輯: 10/23/2017 2:53:45 PM
    1,765 upvotes as of this comment, yet cosmo hasn’t responded 🤔🤔🤔🤔



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    • Like the Fight Club reference. But i managed my expectation after being a day one D1 pre-order victim. And the game is what i expected. Is there room to improve of course. but this is why this time i didnt get the year long pass. They marketed it the same, they priced it the same, and the vanilla didnt live up to everyones expectations. but im hopeful. i mean the game did make some improvements on D1 vanilla. Story although not extensive is better. There is more content. sure not all of it is rewarding in terms of loot, but the content is there even if the incentive is not. Loot is lacking in nearly all aspects of the game. Strikes, Adventures, Challenges, Public Events, Prestige modes, nightfall, Raid. The loot system isn't able to make all of these experiences rewarding and replayable. Even the exotics are a bit underwhelming or stiuational for my taste. but it was likely done to balance PvP. and least you have some earned and some RNG. I think the factions loot and I.B. loot is better in this regard. but likely done to keep interest in the seasonal events or encourage farming during them.



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    • 1. who gives a shit about trending, you'd have to have 10's of thousands of people on here and quitting the game at the same time for it to matter 2. I don't like the nostalgia that I get when grinding on D1 and I know it will be the same here, but damn dude, just grind it out, it's destiny...You remember RNG? Yeah, you won't get what "you" want every time you raid. 3. Yes, the game is kinda broken, they're doing the same thing that they did in the first one, and you bought into it. I play on PC (former console gamer) and have yet to buy it. Don't know if I will. But I'm guessing you "pre-ordered" and if so, then please stop complaining of your lack luster experience, it's destiny and bungie. What did you expect?



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    • Stop giving me Exotics I already own when there's four exotic I don't



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      • I don’t play it enough to be disappointed. So I do enough playing with my brother when we get the chance. But even though I don’t play a lot I can tell the game still needs a lot of work.



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      • As much as I hate to say it, I just finished the game with my third character (hunter). Hit level 20 way before the end and had legendary/exotic load out before killing Gaul(again) and I have very little motivation to keep grinding. I played so much D1 it was obscene. Now I have e to admit I am getting bored with D2. Actually getting bored. They changed somethings for the better. There was an actual story, I actually like the new subclasses, and I dig the new worlds but for every good there are 2 bads. No random roll means same shit over and over, so why grind? Crucible is a snore dear, Iron Banner was just sad, etc, etc. The end game just isn't there. I didn't even raid much in D1 but I kept coming back, over and over. D2, loosing love from fast.



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      • Bump



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      • I don’t think the issue lie with what the majority harp on about - 6v6 PvP, random weapon rolls. Imho Bungie over-promised and under-delivered. Lost Sectors - Complete in a matter of minutes. Exotics - are not exotic. Strikes - no incentive, little reward. Public events - Boring. Story - Too short. Could have easily stretched that out. Raid weapons - weak. Raid gear - weak. Raid story - pointless. Prestige Raid - no incentive. Recently announced content - cosmetic. The Farm - pointless after completion. Shaders - now consumable; a joke. Timed Nightfall - Lazy, synthetic difficulty. That’s just off the top of my head. I’ve been quietly observing feedback from the community, nodding in agreement. As a D1 Beta player and clan founder in Nov 2014 I’m now adding my voice to the masses. I hope with all the feedback, Bungie claim back the heart that Activision stole but I won’t hold my breath. I’ve spent more time on Shadow of War than I have D2 this past month and that should be very telling. Sort it out Bungie, please. Thousands of players around the world are waiting in suspense for you to remember who you are - The Bungie of your Halo days. The Bungie that wasn’t just full of hot air.... “we’re listening”.... less talk, more action. Less cosmetic, more tangible.



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        3 回覆
        • Bungie is aware of all the negative feedback that they are getting and they desperately trying the fix things. We as a community need voice our opinions on how D2 should be fix so bungie doesn't screw up again. The trending page should be filled with constructive criticism, not this stuff.



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          6 回覆
          • :(



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          • Bump, still getting nothing but repeat exotic even though there are Exotics I don't have yet



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          • 由Iccotak編輯: 10/24/2017 1:08:14 AM
            Watch these two Old Demos: When Destiny was first being shown off we were promised a Large Shared World Shooter RPG. That was "Ancient Fantasy" + "Hard Science Fiction". That is what it was initially advertised as and what Year 3 D1 was shaping up to be. The problem is that Destiny 2 has taken the franchise into becoming a game that I simply did not want. We got a standard FPS Skill based shooter with PvP set as end-game. It is trying to use the Halo formula to satisfy the competitive shooters. That design choice does not work with [i]Loot[/i] based games. You're fighting against human players in the Crucible and you're fighting an army of drones in PvE. What makes PvE fun is being a powerful badass what makes the Crucible fun is the competition and proving your better against a real person with access to the same weapons abilities. They're not the same and should not be balanced as such. It is trying to be a jack of all trades but consequently making it a master of none. There are games that do what Destiny does, and better. Making it a competitive PvP is the [u]opposite[/u] of what Destiny was supposed to be and shaping up to be by Year 3. This feels like a slap in the face to the people who stuck around and supported Destiny. Bungie should stop trying to make it Halo when that is a completely different formula. PvP does not work as a core aspect in Destiny. They took what could have been an amazing RPG and made it a simple shooter. Big middle finger to the fans who made the first game successful. [b]ALSO.[/b] The developers needed more time to deliver the game's scope and depth that they originally intended to make. Destiny is made by AAA developers, supported by AAA publishers, and is sold as a $60 game. They already have the money and support they need to make a complete product. The fact that it is not a complete game at launch, and is in reality an incomplete foundation that relies on content updates as well as paid DLCs to add things that should have been in the game in the first place, is unacceptable. [u]Stop making a standard shooter and deliver on the Epic RPG that was originally intended.[/u]



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            • Wow, Bungie's stock plummeted 29% since last week, sales declined by yet another 47%, players online dipped to under 1 million, game stores are discounting the game by as much as 20% and even offering $10 gift cards on top of the discount, and game stores/sites report record cancellations for a pc game. The fat lady has sung!



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            • Hate to,say it but yeah, this game died out fast. Even if I feel like playing, my friends don't. They are playing fortnite and other games. This had given me the time to play middle earth which is a great game. Amazing what they do with their captains compared to destiny majors.



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            • Watch



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            • Indeed



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            • Congrats. You're almost to one half of one percent of the lowest day so far's population agreeing with you. 😂😂😂😂 Tell mom to get the camera



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              1 回覆
              • Bungie continually under-delivwr when it comes to understanding player needs vs basic Maslow satisfaction measures ie. around game performance & FUN



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                • I'm honestly heartbroken. I lived and breathed D1. Granted it got stale and I switched over to The Division for a little bit but AOT was a masterpiece and all that it encompassed led to countless sun up to sun down gaming. Fast forward to D2. Maxed out all 3 guardians. Platinum trophy multiple raid completions and carries and I'm left with nothing. Nothing to grind for nothing to chase. Milestones are pointless prestige raid pointless. I was expecting so much and now I just feel empty. Im lookin forward to Season 2 and maxing out my clan again but I don't even believe that would fix how broken this game has become



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                • I’ve been trying to go over all the possibilities of why d2 is what it is and at the end of the day there is no -blam!-ing excuse for what shovel of shit as been thrown my way. Absolutely none. At the very basic level d1 is still better d1 in its entirety is so many cuts above d2. And I don’t buy the bull shit like oh wait for the dlcs for content blah blah -blam!-ing blah Im sick of hearing that excuse already d2 should have had every mechanic and content playability that d1 had at the end of its journey, strike specific loot random rolls etc etc etc factions, and not the stupid -blam!-ing faction shit at the moment, why change that when it worked well -blam!-ing beyond me in fact the whole game decisions are beyond stupid. I didn’t pay £89.99 for a shallow half arsed game. THERE IS NO EXCUSE FOR STUPIDITY AND DESTINY 2 IS STUPID AND INSULTING TO DESTINY 1.



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                  2 回覆
                  • Sí, este juego apesta



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                  • The amount of upvotes on this SINGLE POST is scary...



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                  • Eeeeehh.... if it weren't for the fact I found a static in FFXIV I would have been screwed. Thankfully I have FFXIV to fall back on. That being said, yes, Destiny 2 has officially been put away except for events, or maybe if xur decides to sell 3 specific exotic armor pieces I am missing. No reason but the prestige raid to get on, and Bungie made it worthless end game activity with no progression or non-cosmetic rewards. Cosmetic items should be reserved for events not activities.



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                  • 3 characters at 305 all available exotics collected what am I supposed to do? grind for raid gear that I like absolutely nothing about? do prestige raid for emblems? I'm good guess I'll be back in December



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                    • Seriously. Primary weapons in D2 literally kill 20 to 40% slower than D1 whilst movement is comparable in both games. Thus we have this boring team shot meta. Bring back 6v6 and buff all primaries drastically!



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