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由Holmen編輯: 10/21/2017 1:39:36 PM

[PC] Looking for an all Swedish PC Clan? [Ruthless Sweden] is the place to go!

Hello fellow guardians! If you are Swedish and looking for a an all Swedish clan to duke it out with in Destiny 2, look no further! Ruthless Sweden are welcoming new members into our ranks. Ruthless is one of Sweden's biggest PC gaming communites with representation in many games of different genres. When Destiny 2 was announced for PC, there was no doubt the game was to be added of our already long list of games we're represented in, and so we started the Destiny 2 section of our community. It does not matter whether you are a hardcore or a casual player. We can offer an environment for both types of gamers with weekly events both in Destiny 2 and in other games, if you feel like having some diversity in your gaming. So whether you play all day or just a couple of hours a day, we can offer a good gaming atmosphere for you. We have a sponsored TS channel where you chat with fellow Ruthless-members in Destiny 2, and also from any other section of the community for that matter. Feel like playing League of Legends for a night? Just hop on the LoL subchannel and start setting up games with other LoL players. If this sounds like something you'd want to be a part of, whille also playing game you love? In this case Destiny 2! Visit our website on [url][/url] and fill out the applicationform. Don't forget to link your forum account with your ID so we can easily identify you when you apply to the clan on Also, don't forget to like this post to keep it easily visible for potential future recruits! ;) Sincerely, Holmen Destiny 2 section officer



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