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由Dinkadactyl編輯: 10/23/2017 1:19:26 AM

[XB1] Dragonpack Actual - We want you!

Easy-going, friendly group of people on [b]Xbox One[/b] that enjoy melting faces and peeling caps. We go hard here, but new people are welcome. Main rule: don't be a jerk. Be a dragon. Clan is currently set to [b]INVITE[/b]. Notices: - Be respectful - Mics are optional, but heavily recommended - Play! Send invites to clan members, help each other out, get sick loot. - We usually play after 8pm EDT. People who don't fit this mould may be removed to make room for people that do. [b]Upvote this post, join up, and get fraggin![/b] [spoiler]Plus, totally sick name, right?[/spoiler]



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  • 289 light hunter send invite



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    • 由N7Roninx編輯: 10/8/2017 9:56:42 PM
      if there's still open spots I'd like to join. 3 characters all over 300 willing to help any who need it



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      • I’m active willing to help anyone I play daily // I’m Titian /



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        • I just purged the clan from 100 of lower levels. If you have a mic, you are 18+, over 290 power, and you are good at trials message me asap! People good at raids are welcome too but we have 76 members who are really good at raids and only a handful go flawless a week so message me. The Cursed Sun consists of guardians from all over the world that are skilled in the Crucible, Raids, Trials of the Nine, and more. Overall, we are a very active clan but we all play at our own pace with no unfair rules to hold us back. Instead, we unite as one group of friends always willing to help each other out. If there is ever a space available feel free to message me on Xbox for an invite. -Necrobringer



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        • 1
          For Anyone Who Can't Find A Clan Reject is a new clan looking to recruit experienced and non experienced players wanting to make each other's experience in Destiny 2 more enjoyable. (We are looking for dedicated players) to earn the best loot destiny has to offer. We want to actively complete challenges, nightfalls, raids, and of course crucible and trial runs as a team And with your Help That will be possible so if you want to join the Clan its open. NOTICE - Be Respectful To One Another NOTICE - having a mic is optional NOTICE - Please Try To help Each other Out Remember Everyone Started Out Nowhere At One Point In Time Click The Link Below To Join



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        • OBSESSIVE GAMING IS RECRUITING. (Xbox) Adult clan. 18+ Focus on PVP, but decent at everything. Loyalty is a must. This clan has 7 open spots at the moment, I want to fill the rest of the spots up with people who are extremely active not only in the destiny community, but on the chat in the companion app as well. I will be doing giveaways for loyal members down the road. I am looking for adults only. This is a mature clan. We like to joke around and have fun. We have many members who will help out with anything. We have many members who are pretty good at pvp. (TRIALS) Our focus is mostly in USA, but we have members from all over the world. if you want to be a part of this awesome clan, request to join! Myself and my admins will check stats and activity to decide whether to accept or decline. Come OBSESS, and enjoy!



          以禮待人。發佈文章前請花點時間查看我們的行為準則 取消 編輯 創立火力戰隊 文章

        • OBSESSIVE GAMING IS RECRUITING. (Xbox) Adult clan. 18+ Focus on PVP, but decent at everything. Loyalty is a must. This clan has 7 open spots at the moment, I want to fill the rest of the spots up with people who are extremely active not only in the destiny community, but on the chat in the companion app as well. I will be doing giveaways for loyal members down the road. I am looking for adults only. This is a mature clan. We like to joke around and have fun. We have many members who will help out with anything. We have many members who are pretty good at pvp. (TRIALS) Our focus is mostly in USA, but we have members from all over the world. if you want to be a part of this awesome clan, request to join! Myself and my admins will check stats and activity to decide whether to accept or decline. Come OBSESS, and enjoy!



          以禮待人。發佈文章前請花點時間查看我們的行為準則 取消 編輯 創立火力戰隊 文章

        • Check out our #Destiny2 clan! 😁😁😎😁😁



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          以禮待人。發佈文章前請花點時間查看我們的行為準則 取消 編輯 創立火力戰隊 文章

        • 1
          For Anyone Who Can't Find A Clan Reject is a new clan looking to recruit experienced and non experienced players wanting to make each other's experience in Destiny 2 more enjoyable. (We are looking for dedicated players) to earn the best loot destiny has to offer. We want to actively complete challenges, nightfalls, raids, and of course crucible and trial runs as a team And with your Help That will be possible so if you want to join the Clan its open. NOTICE - Be Respectful To One Another NOTICE - having a mic is optional NOTICE - Please Try To help Each other Out Remember Everyone Started Out Nowhere At One Point In Time Click The Link Below To Join



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        • Woud like to join, 223 hunter



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          • Woud like to join, 2nd 223 hunter



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          • Would like in, please. 272 Titan is my main class



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            • Would like to join. Only 260 hunter but active and looking for a mature clan. Thanks



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              • Add my gamertag Ben is Bane



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                • [quote]Easy-going, friendly group of people on [b]Xbox One[/b] that enjoy melting faces and peeling caps. We go hard here, but new people are welcome. Main rule: don't be a jerk. Be a dragon. Clan is currently set to [b]OPEN[/b]. However there are very few (if any) positions available. Notices: - Be respectful - Mics are optional, but heavily recommended - Play! Send invites to clan members, help each other out, get sick loot. - We usually play after 8pm EDT. People who don't fit this mould may be removed to make room for people that do. [b]Upvote this post, join up, and get fraggin![/b] [spoiler]Plus, totally sick name, right?[/spoiler][/quote] Can I get in ?



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                  • It would be an honor to be a dragon born- I mean a dragon



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                    • Hmu. Gt is name. Active. 270+ titan/hunter



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                      • I would appreciate an invite. I am looking for end game content. Thank you for your consideration



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                        • We are a new Xbox clan any one is welcome to join we just want to build a Community where we can help every one out and just help people get free engrams Check out our #Destiny2 clan!



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                        • Can I join please



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                          • [quote]Easy-going, friendly group of people on [b]Xbox One[/b] that enjoy melting faces and peeling caps. We go hard here, but new people are welcome. Main rule: don't be a jerk. Be a dragon. Clan is currently set to [b]OPEN[/b]. However there are very few (if any) positions available. Notices: - Be respectful - Mics are optional, but heavily recommended - Play! Send invites to clan members, help each other out, get sick loot. - We usually play after 8pm EDT. People who don't fit this mould may be removed to make room for people that do. [b]Upvote this post, join up, and get fraggin![/b] [spoiler]Plus, totally sick name, right?[/spoiler][/quote] I would love to join can I get an invite ?



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                            • Can I join plz



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                              • Sure HMU . I'm looking to do raids and NF



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                                • Our Ascension is recruiting! We are always on the lookout for new family members to add to our XB1 Clan! We pride ourselves on connecting exceptional players with other exceptional players. We focus on PvP and end game PVE, but run all aspects of Destiny! We do have a few REQUIREMENTS: -Must have and maintain a 1.0 Overall KD in Crucible and Trials. There is no need to carry people here. Put your backpack away. - Active within the clan chat/group wall. - A mic. Communication is key. Besides, what's the point of being in a clan if you can't communicate? -Preferred age 14-60. But we can make exceptions on a case by case basis, mainly just to keep our ear drums intact. (Squeakers we're looking at you.) If you think you have what it takes and are looking to RISE to the occasion, shoot us a message or send in a request. Our apologies if the clan is full in advance! -Our Ascension We run together, we gun together.



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                                  • CN I get an invite plz



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