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原先發佈於:Destiny Fiction Producers
9/27/2017 5:33:57 PM

Journal of the Lore Writer: Entry 0001

‘My name is Yavan, and I am a Guardian. I am different from most others, for I belong to the class known as Adepts. We can use all the abilities of all the subclasses of Guardians. It all started as I was in the hanger retrieving a shipment of Plasteel plating for Shaxx, when I discovered a dead Ghost. I revived the Ghost, and it used its last bit of life to give me the Light, and his light was rejuvenated as well. My ghost, Dinkle-Bot as I call him, thanked me immensely. What was annoying, however, was that Dinkle made me run around the Tower for no reason. Many other Guardians and vendors gave me strange looks as I traversed the Tower, to which I was puzzled by. It wasn’t until I ran into Cayde-6 when he complimented my cowboy hat. It was the hat that belonged to my father, which I have worn since the day he died. When complimented on my hat, I thought Why do I still have a hat? Don’t I have a helmet? Thus, I ran to the Guardian outfitter to look in a mirror. I was shocked to see that my armor was a mash of all the different types of armor. I wore the greives and mark of a Titan, the robes and bond of a Warlock, and the gloves and cloak of a Hunter. “So that’s why people have been looking at me funny.” I remarked out loud. “Now, I haven’t seen a new Adept since Leviathan.” A voice said. “Allow me to introduce myself. I am Eva Levante, the outfitter for the Guardians.” “Yavan. I just became a Guardian a few minutes ago.” “Well, Yavan, it certainly is rare for people to become Guardians so close to the Traveler, and all the rarer for them to become Adepts. I have been told that Adepts are the embodiments of the Traveler itself. You might want to visit Tess Everis. She can give you a journal to write down your adventures. I’m sure you’ll have many.” Following Eva’s suggestion, I found Tess, and bought this journal from her. I plan to learn more about the Traveler, Adepts, and, well, everything, and to write it all in this journal. I would also like to meet this Leviathan. If I’m not the only one of my kind, then he would probably be the best person to answer my questions. At any rate, Eva was right. I think there will be many adventures ahead of me. Yavan’ Kade was in awe. Rahool was right, Kade needed to continue reading Yavan’s journal. It was too important for him to not read. As the hours passed by, Kade read on.



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