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9/14/2017 12:53:21 PM

Protectors of Light Ch. 30 pt. 2: Back to the City

"T'ey took t'e bait!" Nick said to Angel and Logan. "T'ey're all yours now!" Angel flew over the buildings, scanning the streets below. "They haven't entered yet. We still have time!" "If we beat them to the punch, they'll be 'interfering' with our business," Logan stated over the radio. "Wait! Wait!" Nick shouted. "I found out why the Red Death was issued to be destroyed! It steals Light and gives it to t'e wielder as health! It [i]is[/i] a Guardian killer!" "Oh my god..." Angel said. "I count about thirty City Guard moving in. They're gonna die!" Logan opened a portal in the middle of a street and rested against a wall to warm back up. He raised his hand up to his helmet and said: "Commander! Commander, if you are hearing this, call off your men! Your target is carrying the Red Death! It's not a painted Red Spectre, it [i]is[/i] the Red Death! Your teams are going to die!" "Mann, what are you doing on this comms channel?" Commander Zavala seemed to switch his attention to someone else. "Shut him off!" "Commander, don't!" Logan's headset was filled with static. "S***!" Logan returned to his previous channel. "They're not listening! We have to stop them from finding Daggr!" "How do ya plan to do t'at?" Nick asked. "We'll have to kill them..." Angel said somberly. Logan did not like the idea, but he knew that was the only way to stop them. "I can keep their ghosts in a pocket universe for the time being... It'll keep them from reviving..." "I could also trap some in small wards..." Angel added. Angel flew down towards a team of Guardians. Immediately, she grabbed one huntress by the helmet and slammed her head through a window. She pulled her back, then punched her in the face, breaking the helmet. The body fell down, dead, then the ghost appeared. Angel cast a small Ward around it and kept it from escaping. Two titans ran towards Angel; she punched one in the face, then used her jetpack to propel herself up and knee the other in the jaw; Angel grabbed the titan she kneed, then front-flipped him onto his back. They both got up and charged again. Angel punched the second titan, then shoved her elbow into the first. Both were knocked dead, and Angel created a Ward around their ghosts. The other three Guardians raised their weapons and started shooting at Angel. She ejected one wing out and used it as a full body shield from the bullets. Alice flew over and flashed the Guardians like a bright strobe light, blinding them all. Angel kicked up a machine gun from the ground to her hands, then killed the remaining warlock and hunters. On the other side of the factory, Logan opened a portal in the ground then flew out of it. To the Guardians already there, he appeared to levitate from the earth; the way his trench coat flailed outward, along with his gauntlets glowing Void purple, helped complete the mystical appearance. "Who the h*** are you?!" A warlock asked with a robotic voice as it raised a pulse rifle up. "The name's Silajir!" Logan conjured Void Light, then cast it out. "Sick 'em, Axion!" The orb of Void energy broke into three entities and started attacking the team. The Guardians frantically shot in the air, trying to kill the creature, but one by one, they fell by a blood-chilling bite. Logan conjured a small portal, then stuffed the ghosts inside it. Before any could escape, Merlin closed the portal with the wave of his wand and smiled. "Many have already entered. You'll haf to stop 'em before t'at bast*** perma-kills 'em!" Nick declared over the radio. "Got it! Thanks!" Angel said back. Logan walked up behind a team, wrapped his staff and the throat of one, then threw him to the ground, dead. He swung his staff around, knocking someone in the head. Swung it again, hitting another in the gut, then hit that Guardian again in the back. He whipped out his sidearm and shot the titans laying on the ground. Logan thrust his staff into someone's foot and used them as an Awoken shield when a hunter started shooting at him. Logan shoved his staff long ways between two support pillars, swung under it like monkey-bars, and kicked the hunter that was shooting at him. Logan walked up to the downed hunter, then force pushed his skull into the ground. "Silajir, you forgot to do something..." Merlin said as the six Guardians revived all around him. "You traitorous a**hole!" A Sunbreaker shouted as he summoned a Hammer of Sol. The six Guardians surrounded Logan, leaving no exit for him to escape. He looked around anxiously, trying to come up with a plan. "You know what to do..." Merlin said into his ear. "I know what I [i]could[/i] do... But I'm too afraid to do it," Logan replied. "You don't have a choice," Merlin continued. Logan nodded in agreement, then started to draw Void Light from within him. The Sunbreaker, hoping to stop him, threw a hammer, but a small Ward of Dawn enveloped it. Angel approached the Guardians with a machine gun, then saw what Logan was doing. "No! Logan, don't! You'll kill them!" She cried. A violent circular wall of Void energy rose from the ground, around Logan and the six City Guards. They all watched as the torrent of black and purple Void fire formed a column around the group of seven. Logan gritted his teeth and growled as he cast his hands to the ground, sending a radiating wave of power outward. Even Angel, who was nowhere near the raging pillar of Light, stumbled back from the shockwave. "Logan!!" She screamed with anger and sorrow. When the wall of Void Light disipated, Angel saw Logan standing amidst the team of Guardians frozen in place. They were alive, but were completely immobilized. Logan inspected the Sunbreaker, making sure he could not break loose, then he faced Angel. "Merlin said I could use it in less lethal ways..." "I'm sorry for ever doubting you two..." Angel said while gawking. "It seems you've took out all t'e City Guard. Now, find Daggr!" Nick said over the radio.



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