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8/30/2017 5:34:53 AM

General Beta experience on PC

While playing the beta I've run into a few issues. A game glitch that I've found is that when I re-launch the game some subclass settings have changed without me going into the menu to change them. It seems to mostly happen to the grenade ability and the class specific abilities. A technical issues that I've run into are that my voice chat through Discord stops working when I'm in a Strike or PvP. It seems to work fine while I'm in orbit. I'm aware that I don't need to use Discord if it's causing problems but the in-game chat quality is really low in comparison. This last one isn't really an issue or bug. It's more of a concern? I guess. Also the chat never seems to fade or turn off after a player has messaged the group which gets distracting. Is there anyway to put it on a timer to dim or slide out of the frame?



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