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由Alastor編輯: 8/29/2017 7:11:00 AM

(XB1) New Clan Recruiting: Our Lord Harambe

Hello, Future Guardian Monkeys! We are a family of monkeys. We swing tree to tree looking for our Monkey brethren and sistren (we're monkeys we can't spell). This clan has existed for the last 14 years but was only the eldest of the Lord, Harambe. Now, with his dear passing and the release of Destiny 2, The Great Gathering, we're finally bringing the clan beyond the trees and out to the stars far above. If you can keep swing mighter than Tarzan and pound chest deeper than our Lord and Savior Harambe then this is the clan for you! We work together. We gather together. We kill together. This clan is a family and you must be ready to laugh, cheer, fight, and regularly dance. Family bags on each other but feelings will never be hurt and we will never desert. If accepted, we will be here for you. We will groom you. We will love you. In the great words of the great Monkey Singer, "Family Don't End With Blood." Cheers to our future Monkey Guardians! Welcome to the family. I personally put in 1,500 hours, our clan mate put in 4,500 hours into Destiny 1. We play all day, every day. We PVP hard and raid much harder.



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