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由BandAid編輯: 8/29/2017 4:24:31 AM


[b]"HOW TO" IN SECOND COMMENT IF YOU ARE HAVING THE SAME PROBLEM.[/b] Hi, I am[b] trying to leave my Xbox Live clan[/b] but it has labeled me as a founding member disallowing me from leaving the clan while there are still two members left in the clan. [quote]The clan founder may only leave the clan if he or she is the last remaining member. Please select a new founder from your existing members before you leave your clan.[/quote] I do not see how to transfer ownership to either of these people and the Leave Clan option in the web interface just spits back a dialogue indicating that I cannot leave while those two people still exist in the clan without transferring the clan but does not offer a solution on how to do this. Please help!



以禮待人。發佈文章前請花點時間查看我們的行為準則 取消 編輯 創立火力戰隊 文章

  • Do you have a clan screen where you can change culture fields, general settings, edit banner, etc? If so, further down that page it should list you as founder and the other guardians as members step 1 - click promote for one of the members, this will make the member an admin the page should now show you as the founder and the step 1 member as an admin step 2 - click set as founder next to the player that is an admin I should think this will now show you as either an admin or as a member. Therefore you are free to leave the clan. If you do not have that page then go to the forum post below and reply to bungie help like I did. I got a reply very quickly which gave me a link to the page mentioned above. I hope this helped. Have fun and may RNG be forever in your favor.



    以禮待人。發佈文章前請花點時間查看我們的行為準則 取消 編輯 創立火力戰隊 文章

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    • UPDATE: Fiddled around with the mobile companion app and was able to kick the remaining two members and disband the clan. For those who may also be having the same issue: [quote]1.) Download the companion app for your phone. 2.) Log in and select the "Clan" button at the bottom of the screen. 3.) Select your profile icon at the top right-hand corner of the screen and select "Roster". 4.) In the Roster you can tap on a member and this will display a menu in which you have the options to promote, kick and ban the member among other options. 5.) If you wish to disband the clan like I did, kick the remaining members then go back to your icon at the top right-hand corner of the screen and select Clan Profile. At this point you will now have the option to "LEAVE CLAN ON (platform) AND DISBAND CLAN".[/quote]



      以禮待人。發佈文章前請花點時間查看我們的行為準則 取消 編輯 創立火力戰隊 文章

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