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8/16/2017 4:07:18 AM
Have fun nerfing D2 into the ground when you inevitably cry about what ends up being the least shitty weapon.



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  • Who's crying? Wait, I think it's all the people who can't accept the changes coming... you guys are already, steady bitching about nerfs that haven't happened yet. Seasonal metas(I'm not talking about marginally better guns) are gone, ability spam is curved, and OHK vs multi-shot issues have been resolved. The focus is on balance between all of these elements in D2, you may think "it's boring" or "crybabies ruined the game" but the bottom line is, D2 is going to release with PVP balance in mind. Is it the best path? Debatable. Do I agree with every change? Not really... but I'm not going to sit here and blame others for me not wanting, or being able to adapt. The very cornerstone of your online persona is to humiliate people for being "butthurt", but since the balance changes in 2.5 you have been one of the most butt hurt individuals on these forums. Man up dude, you sure in the hell don't mind telling others to do so.



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  • Skill gap compression and watering down is far from balance



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  • Because averaging 4 OHK Supers a match doesn't constitute skill gap compression, and watering down abilities, that literally everyone experiences, has anything to do with a change to balance...



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  • 由Soupreem編輯: 8/25/2017 8:44:26 PM
    [quote]Who's crying?[/quote] OP, obviously. [quote]Wait, I think it's all the people who can't accept the changes coming... you guys are already, steady bitching about nerfs that haven't happened yet. Seasonal metas(I'm not talking about marginally better guns) are gone, ability spam is curved, and OHK vs multi-shot issues have been resolved. The focus is on balance between all of these elements in D2, you may think "it's boring" or "crybabies ruined the game" but the bottom line is, D2 is going to release with PVP balance in mind. [/quote] We'll have to see about that, we only got 1 or 2 of each weapon, will the archetypes not in the beta overtake everything? Nobody knows that right now. [quote]Is it the best path? Debatable. Do I agree with every change? Not really... but I'm not going to sit here and blame others for me not wanting, or being able to adapt.[/quote] Ahh yes, the classic response, "adapt." I can "adapt" to almost any change, I did it in Titanfall 2 when my Volt was nerfed into the ground for the second time, I do it fine in Battlefield, I did it fine for every Destiny patch. Does it mean I liked said changes? No, I'm not unwilling to adapt, I just think the changes suck. [quote]The very cornerstone of your online persona is to humiliate people for being "butthurt", but since the balance changes in 2.5 you have been one of the most butt hurt individuals on these forums.[/quote] Actual, thought out feedback and reactions are butthurt now? Look, I'll still say people have summoned me on any need post, but if it's well thought out and uses hard numbers, then I actually have a conversation with them. So, sorry but I have legitimate concerns and feedback, sorry you don't like how I verse them. [quote]Man up dude, you sure in the hell don't mind telling others to do so.[/quote] Sure, let me just file that in my "shit I've already done" bin.



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  • 由Synge_X編輯: 8/25/2017 10:33:06 PM
    I actually like the feedback that you have provided, most of the time you're pretty spot on. Again if you read what I wrote, I'm not at all talking about your feedback posts, I'm talking about how quick you are to call out anyone who you deem as "butt hurt(while almost always biased, used to be playful and funny instead of toxic). On the subject of adapting, I believe that it is the issue of attitude, as much as execution. As an electrician, if I am tasked with going up into a rack at 80 degrees, there are two helpers who will assist me, and I can only take one, both of similar skill: One bitches the entire time, complaining about conditions and management, while the other nuts up and gets the job done. Who am I going to take, and furthermore, which one is butthurt? The OP didn't "nerf" anything, Bungie did. And isn't it strange that you call me out for not knowing if "the Beta archetypes will overtake everything" when you stated in your response to the OP that he will complain about the least shitty weapon, as if you know that all the weapons will be shit? From what I've seen man, it seems like the new COD should be right up your ally in terms of TTK, you might find your time better spent there. Destiny 2 has high TTK and whether or not you agree, weapons are only as good as how they interact with other weapons in PVP, and how the damage scaling works against the adds in PVE.



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  • [quote]Have fun nerfing D2 into the ground when you inevitably cry about what ends up being the least shitty weapon.[/quote] This.



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