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8/9/2017 12:29:25 PM

Thoughts and Discussion on all the strangely sponsored Destiny 2 products.

So, at this point the Destiny 2 sponsored products are sparking controversy on the forum. We'll discuss everything from Pop Tarts to the recently revealed Virgin Media exclusive sparrow. So let's start out with the pop tarts. These things have flavors relating to candy, cake, ice cream, cookies, and other things like strawberry, etc. I'm not sure if the advertisment covers all the flavors here (that's not the point) but as far as I know these things are not only super convenient (Easy to eat, toasted or right out of the box) but are also super unhealthy. Just saying, would it be a bad thing for Destiny to get sponsored by a healthier food? Or at least something more popular among the older people here knowing Pop Tarts are aimed towards kids. Also there is the question of whether this product is even sold in certain parts of the world. Then we have Rockstar. I've only had it once when I was like 14, five years ago. It was alright, nothing special, didn't give me the Energy I was hoping to get honestly. Energy drinks as we all know are loaded with sugar and other products that we probably don't know about and usually don't give any energy really. Usually when it comes to talking about energy drinks, you're talking to the minority. Especially if you're talking about one that's in the shadow of Monster. I'd rather see Destiny partner with red bull again as much as I hate the stuff. Once again, I'm not sure whether this sponsor will advertise all flavors of the drink. I've only seen a couple pictures of the promotion showing more tropical drinks (personally I think a tropical energy drink wouldn't taste to great). Then there's the question of where this product is sold as usual. Then there's the Fidget spinners. These thing go by many names. Cancer. Austism. Stupid. Those are just a few examples (This is what I've seen hundreds of people call them. Saying them myself is in reference to what others have said. I personally do not mean to offend anyone by saying something someone else said). Once again, a product advertised towards younger players. And as much as the Destliny logo looks like a fidget spinner it shouldn't be one. Then we have Virgin Media, who will be giving out an exclusive sparrow to all of its customers. I'm not ridiculing Virgin Media here. I'm just saying the majority of people who will play Destiny 2 won't have Virgin media. There is no way I would go through the hassle of changing my cable and internet company just to get a sparrow. There's also the youth of gaming who have no control of what internet company their parents picked who will miss out. So to focus on some major points all around. These sponsored products/companies will only reach out to mainly the minorty of gamers. Plently of these sponsored products are clearly aimed towards the youth of the community. Unless you're a parent who played games and your kid likes Pop Tarts or Rockstar, then you found a loop hole, congrats. Either way I'm certain most adults here don't want to go to the store buying a box of pop tarts, an arm full of rockstar energy and a fidget spinner to possibly end up getting questioned by someone else as to why they have all of that random stuff as an adult to have to akwardly tell them you want codes for a game or lie and say you have a kid unless that's the actual truth or you like pop tarts and rockstar (long sentences, yay). Then you can expect less than 20 percent of Destiny 2 players to actually have the sparrow offered by Virgin Media. I personally know nobody who has them as their internet provider alone, and there's plenty of others out there too. Who knows what may get sponsored next. TLDR [spoiler]Read it and deal with it being to long[/spoiler] What are your thoughts on all of this?



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  • Where's the sponsorship for toe nail fungus that people my age have?



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  • Rockstar and Pop-tarts, much like any other snack foods/soft drinks, aren't that bad unless you consume a mass amount of them constantly which kids and adults alike often do. You're not gonna gain 40+lbs/KG eating a few pop-tarts or drinking a single can of rockstar. Fidget spinners, I could honestly care less about, they are this generations yo-yo. Pretty sure to a lot of adults watching us try to perform tricks with some circular plastic and a bit of yarn seemed just as stupid at some point. Now I will admit however, region exclusives that involve you needing to be with a certain ISP is just downright stupid because not everyone can actually get in on that.



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    • 由Satanic Mechanic編輯: 8/9/2017 6:39:17 PM
      D1 did the same thing... You must also be forgetting about all the other games (mainly cod) doing this with mt dew and Doritos ect... I don't agree with it but I also don't care... Games and movies promote on anything and everything they can it's not new and it isn't going to stop...



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      • [quote]So to focus on some major points all around. These sponsored products/companies will only reach out to mainly the minorty of gamers.[/quote] Far from the minority of Destiny players..... Pop Tarts = College kids eat them and play Destiny, highschool kids eat them and play Destiny, kids eat them and play Destiny, the parents of those kids probably play Destiny too. Rockstar = College kids drink them and play Destiny, highschool kids drink them and play Destiny, adults and parents drink them and play Destiny. Fidget Spinners = the latest fad right now.....and.....College kids have them and play Destiny, highschool kids have them and play Destiny, kids have them and play Destiny, some adults and parents actually have them and play Destiny. Virgin Media = I can't speak much towards this because I'm in the US, but I know it's huge in the UK.



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      • 由AuroraUnit486編輯: 8/9/2017 8:22:18 PM
        companies are paying activision to get these adverts to promote their products. dont like it? go tell some f[u]u[/u]ckin water company or something to throw money their way



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      • I'll just leave this here:



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        • Posted this in another thread, but a lot of these products are not commissioned by activision. Sure the pop tarts and energy drinks are a direct partnership, but the things like scented candles and bathrobes are made by third party companies that come to activision and request a license to put destiny on their products. It not like there was a board meeting where they were all like "we need to ship more units" "Gary the intern had an interesting idea with candles let's roll with that"



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        • you forget the planet scented candles. Seriously. not a joke Also looks like they are exploring alternative revenue streams. I would expect more microtrans to be more in your face, and there to be an overly grindy PvE game to male in game boosts seem that much more attractive to buy. Kelloggs was founded on anti self pleasure so it seems fitting that they are are in there. Rockstar to push the e-sports angle sure, just like they tried to push e-sports with Rift and Red bull at TTK launch. Virgin Media were a launch partner for PS4 in the UK so could just be seeing the fruits of that now. At this point, with all the marketing plastered everywhere at the supermarket, I am even more aware that this game may have just taken a serious nosedive even before launch.



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        • They have to give away as much as possible to pad those fake preorder stats. Bungievision is libtard central, just keep saying it's better, new, fresh, improved etc. if u say it enough, it must be true. Bungievision and ANY sponsor for them don't get another dime from me after dropping a bill on D2. Nothing they have ever said was going to happen, going to fix, or going to listen to the players has ever happened. O, crept the ❄️ crying for nerfs, they love deepthroating the ❄️



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          • I'm sure from Activision's perspective they are just happy that so many companies are willing to pony up some cash to be involved with Destiny. As for whether these campaigns are poorly aligned or likely to be successful, that's something to take up with the advertisers themselves.



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          • 由aboniks編輯: 8/9/2017 6:20:21 PM
            Judging corporations on ethical grounds, as if they're people, overlooks the fact that they're actually tools [url=]specifically designed[/url] to allow large groups of people to act irresponsibly. If you don't want the stuff, don't buy the stuff. If you don't like the fact that the stuff is for sale, you can tell the company how you feel, assuming you've figured out which company you actually need to talk to, in this case, Activision. If you don't like the fact that other people don't like the fact that the stuff is for sale, you can throw salt at them on forums.



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          • Everything sparks "controversy" on these forums. It's not that big of a deal, and most people outside of this specific forum realize that.



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            • A. It is money pouring into bungie because through research... products containing anything related to destiny sell. B. Why not? It is the consumer that chooses to buy said products. If so, that their life. C. Why does this one game get so nit picked when said nit picking topics have been around for over a decade? It looks like bungie is only capitalizing on the things they did learn from Microsoft... marketing.



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            • Marketing.



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            • I don't see anything weird with the Pop Tarts and Rockstar sponsorships. Destiny 2 is a game marketed towards teens. What do most teens like? Sugary food and energy drinks. I know I certainly did when I was 14/15. Fight Spinner follows the same logic. Teens tend to have shorter attention spans and problems focusing and that's what a Figet Spinner is meant to help with. The Virgin Media one is a little bit odd though.



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              • [quote]What are your thoughts on all of this?[/quote]Couldn't care less, but pop tarts, energy drinks, & fidget spinners are popular products, which is why Activision is using them for marketing. They're trying to make money, not cure obesity.



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