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由Duardo編輯: 7/27/2017 12:30:15 PM

I want each of you to give me ten good reasons

I want each of you to give me ten good reasons as to why I shouldn't kill myself. The reasons I'm killing myself are as follows: Dead end job No friends Little to no money No car No licence No one who cares about me No one who is nice to me Failed relationships No one is trying to help me I've wanted to kill myself for a few years now, and after two failed attempts, I think I'm ready for another try. EDIT: Looks like no one can come up with any reasons. Sad. Looks like no one cares.



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  • Life is precious, and suicide is a serious issue to be handled by licensed professionals. Bungie employees and forum moderators are not trained to handle those in a suicidal crisis; please call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline: 1-800-273-TALK (8255). You may also wish to contact any of the following crisis prevention resources: US: UK: Canada: International Directory: Military Crisis Line: Active duty, Guard and reserve service members, their families and friends stateside and in Europe have 24/7 access to the Military Crisis Line at no cost. For crisis support, those in the U.S. call 800-273-8255, then press 1. Callers in Europe dial 00800-1273-8255 or DSN 118. The toll-free service in Europe may not be available through all carriers or in all countries. Military One Source Toll Free Number: 800-342-9647 Military One Source Crisis Prevention:



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    • 由TehNuke編輯: 7/27/2017 12:41:03 AM
      Bro stop. Youre being -blam!-ing pathetic. You dont listen to anyone. If you want people to be -blam!-ing nice to you the be -blam!-ing nice first. Like the time you made a joke about my cancer diagnosis. IS THAT -blam!-ING NICE. NO. Shut the -blam!- up and stop being a pussy because lady ghost doesnt -blam!-ing give a shit about you. Get over it. I -blam!-ing told you that 4 times already. Suck it the -blam!- up slade. This shit is getting old. Also i would like to note that you were sending this girl death threats and saying that you hope she gets rареd. Like who the -blam!- do you think you are talking to someone like that and then expecting a -blam!-ing apology from HER. You have got to be the dumbest -blam!- ive ever -blam!-ing encountered. Stop bringing drama everywhere you -blam!-ing go and not expect it to backfire. Grow up



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      • 由Carnifex編輯: 7/29/2017 4:48:27 PM
        Dab the fu ck up ni gga



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      • Dab the -blam!- up -blam!-



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      • Well, by looking at what you post on the forums, there seems to be many reasons why no one might care or like you. Be nicer and optimistic maybe, even in the face of defeat.



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        • Urgh.



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          • You know. They put people who whomped out into two categories. Meaning you wanted to cry out to let someone know you feel this way. You want to then go ahead. But you might hurt some people. Look up suicide hotline fam. That could help you



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          • #5



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            • 13 reasons why bnet edition



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              • [quote]No one is trying to help me[/quote] Are you?



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              • Okay here’s ten 1. When you kill yourself not only are you erasing yourself but you are erasing all potential offspring you can have. Maybe if you had kids they would have done great things. 2. You are removing all potential contributions you could have made to push the human race forward. 3. You can turn your life around and achieve greatness. 4. You can make friends and find love and live happily if you pushed yourself to improve your conditions. 5. you are barring yourself from all future happiness by dying. 6. Bad times will pass. 7. Fluffy kittens. 8. Cute puppies. 9. Chocolate. 10. We will all miss you.



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              • 由Gladlin編輯: 7/27/2017 3:58:30 PM
                [quote]I want each of you to give me ten good reasons as to why I shouldn't kill myself. The reasons I'm killing myself are as follows: 1: Dead end job 2: No friends 3: Little to no money 4: No car 5: No licence 6: No one who cares about me 7: No one who is nice to me 8: Failed relationships 9: No one is trying to help me 10: I've wanted to kill myself for a few years now, and after two failed attempts, I think I'm ready for another try. EDIT: Looks like no one can come up with any reasons. Sad. Looks like no one cares.[/quote] 1: this can change anytime you want it to. Will it be hard? Sure, but the best things in life are those you work for. 2: I am sure there are one or two out there. Hell I found your post because someone linked it and they showed genuine concern. 3: welcome to earth. Little to no money is common issue that hits every one. There are ways to save. Just have to find them and resolve to carry them out. 4: biking is better for you anyway. I don't know if you live in an urban or rural area so, I am not sure how to seriously respond to this one 5: anytime you are ready, that can change too. 6: decidedly not true. As I said, I found your post because someone cared enough about you to create their own and link yours to it. The post was about showing support. I also care enough to not only read your post, but number your reasons and try to provide reasons why you should not go through with it. People care, Slade. 7: I hope you were not looking for nice people on the internet. Nice people are out there. I promise you, we exist. 8: we should swap stories sometime. I have a few that are doozies. In any case, failed relationships are a part of life. They happen. In honesty, it is a good thing the failing ones ended or you would be more miserable than you are now. Also, this frees you up to find the one. I know it does not seem like it now, but a break up can be a good thing. It allows you to find better. 9: um....hi...? And also see numbers 2 and 6. 10: suicide is nothing more than surrender. Engaging in suicide is saying that you surrender to the events in your life and your life circumstances. It is easy to surrender. Effortless. Which is why historically it is viewed as a dishonorable act. To fight, even against stacked odds is where honor lies and where glory is achieved, even if you lose. The point is to never give up. Besides, if you give up, you will never see it get any better. You will never meet that one person who is perfect for you and for whom you are perfect. You will never meet your son/daughter and watch them grow. Never see them have kids of their own. By committing suicide you are robbing yourself of any chance of a better tomorrow or any chance at happiness and [u][b]you deserve better.[/b][/u]



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              • Asking for reasons to stay alive doesn't mean you can just ignore everything everyone says like a stubborn child. Suicide is the weak man's way out. [spoiler]it seems like you fit the bill. Prove me wrong. [/spoiler]



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              • Or don't. You seem to not respond well to nice words, or perhaps deep down you feel like you don't deserve people to be nice to you, but either way any nice words said by me or any other user here, you probably won't accept. Therefore let's go the other route. Slade, you seem to be an asshole at times, but I'm guessing that you genuinely don't recognize when you're being one because of some lack of ability to pick up social cues. Because of this you can't recognize when people are trying to be nice to you and due to some insecurities, you always have to pick apart any niceties and turn them against yourself in a very depressing, pathetic, self-deprecating manner. It's honestly an ugly and awful thing to do to yourself, which I will never really understand, but apparently you take some pleasure in psychologically harming yourself otherwise you wouldn't keep doing it. Or maybe your brain has been so chemically imbalanced for the past few years that it's somehow convinced itself that this masochist pleasure is all there is to reality and there's no escaping the loop. Doesn't really matter though as no matter what anyone else says, your brain is going to warp it into a personal attack and make you feel like shit. So here's the thing. Any ten nice things said by us will do fuc k all to help you in any way. We aren't able to do shit to help you until you are actually ready to help yourself. Call a fuc king doctor, talk to people close to you, try and be fuc king nice to yourself for once rather than psychologically self-harming. That's really the only you can do if you really are trying to reach out for help. If not, and you're an attention whore troll, find a high bridge, and do a fuc king flip. Sidenote: if i get banned for this stonebrixx, MonocleMan, or SquishyFace are designated Calendarmen until I'm unbanned.



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                • #6



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                  • #8



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                  • #7



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                    • 由RE-_VERSE_-編輯: 7/27/2017 10:31:47 AM
                      [quote] The reasons I'm killing myself are as follows: Dead end job No friends Little to no money No car No licence No one who cares about me No one who is nice to me Failed relationships No one is trying to help me[/quote] Wait... these are the reasons to end your life??? How pathetic. In fact, how selfish! At least when I resolve to end my life, it will be to the benefit of my fellow man. But you...all this "me, me, me"; I can think of no more poetic justice then for you to live out the remainder of your life until you perish of natural causes. I bet you have not even sought out local mental health treatment from trained professionals whose very livelihood is to make sure humans like you live. Not to mention if you do end up offing yourself, I call B S on all modern society. Why? Because if I can't get away with killing myself but you can then!!!...



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                      • #9



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                      • #10



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                      • I can give you one good reason:[spoiler]Life is precious, and suicide is a serious issue to be handled by licensed professionals. Bungie employees and forum moderators are not trained to handle those in a suicidal crisis; please call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline: 1-800-273-TALK (8255). You may also wish to contact any of the following crisis prevention resources: US: UK: Canada: International Directory: Military Crisis Line: Active duty, Guard and reserve service members, their families and friends stateside and in Europe have 24/7 access to the Military Crisis Line at no cost. For crisis support, those in the U.S. call 800-273-8255, then press 1. Callers in Europe dial 00800-1273-8255 or DSN 118. The toll-free service in Europe may not be available through all carriers or in all countries. Military One Source Toll Free Number: 800-342-9647 Military One Source Crisis Prevention:[/spoiler]



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                      • I don't know why you need ten, I only have one... The poor bastard who would have to clean up the mess you leave when you shit yourself... Also why are posts like this allowed to stay posted, have Bnet standards really dropped this low...



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                      • I'll give you one reason - as it's the only one neccesary. When depressed, we suffer from serious delusions - most of the items in that list are false.



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                      • these shouldn't be reasons to kill yourself instead they should motivate you to get somewhere in life



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                      • Have you looked into religion? You got nothing to lose and for some people it turns their lives around. I'd give it a whirl if I were you.



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                      • Please still be alive. Despite what you may think, people do still care about you. Have you talked with people you know about the subject? At the very least go to church. You may not exactly agree with their beliefs, but they usually show hospitality to people who are struggling.



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