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7/20/2017 6:45:08 PM

Regarding the D2 Netcode...

I'm very interested to know if there is any regional matchmaking in the netcode ?? I live in Ireland with 200mb/50mb down/up broadband with a sub 20ms ping to anywhere in the country. Have little to no jitter, a wired connection to my PS4, router configured cleanly, (ports open etc etc) and play on a BenQ monitor. Yet as with D1 I'm getting killed around corners, even with the drop on someone I get killed first and in general am a little disappointed. Maybe every 10th game (in D1) I get a connection that feels snappy, and things go well. I'm really hoping for more out of D2. I hope the Beta helps Bungie iron out these issues. I'll be playing later tonight and will update this thereafter. Some #feedback FROM Bungie would be insightful, cos if there's something I can do with my network - please, please let me know !! #inb4getgud



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