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原先發佈於: When is abortion acceptable?
6/20/2017 4:57:11 AM
It's difficult and a little painful for me to defend abortions. My mother didn't want me. She tried to kill me several times after birth, and she wanted to abort me before it, but her family convinced her it was an bad and/or immoral decision. Her life may have been better without me in it. Does this mean I shouldn't have born? Do I not have a right to live? I feel like supporting abortion retroactively supports my never being born. So..I don't have a happy answer to this. And I'll try not to hold it against anyone thst has a different one.



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  • There are many things people support which would've led to bad outcomes if they happened to them. It's called hypocrisy, not retroactive [insert thing here]. Besides, think of it like this: if she had gone through with it, yes you wouldn't be here, but you would never know she did it. It would be like never-ending sleep. Considering how shitty the world is today, I'm not so sure that's such a bad option so long as it's your wish or you are not yet self-aware



    以禮待人。發佈文章前請花點時間查看我們的行為準則 取消 編輯 創立火力戰隊 文章

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