So I just pulled my first exotic weapon, the mida multi tool from the lvl 28 PoE. For about a week I've been trying to pull it specifically for some reason, and I did. Now I'm a bit confused on why it came from the lvl 28 PoE. Do they have a better drop rate or something rather then the lvl 41 taken king? I've done the taken king a few times and get mostly low lvl rare gear and engrams, and I do the lvl 28 PoE for the first time (I only did it because I saw you could get the mida from there in another forum from 2015). Also when I did the taken king PoE the random U matched up with killed the boss in seconds, the lvl 28 boss was considerably harder with more wizards and ogres and took 5-10 minutes. Does this change the drop rate? I should also mention I got a year 1 mida (light 160) but I just got the year 3 from the exotic blueprint kiosk.
MIDA is one of them you can get anywhere. Most exotics are like this. Just playing 3 of Coins gets a chance at a drop on (nearly) any ultra boss or when you play a crucible match, you don't even have to win. Easiest way to farm exotics is to go to the iron temple mission, pop a 3 of coins, get to the bosses and kill one, hide pop a 3 of coins, kill another boss, then kill yourself, repeat, ??????, PROFIT! Once you get to the 3 bosses you have that checkpoint so after you kill yourself you can just pop another 3 of coins and do it again. BONUS: if you never kill all 3 bosses, you always have that checkpoint in that mission so you can go back in and start at the 3 bosses again if you need to leave to turn in some engrams or get bored killing the same dudes over and over. Either that or just play crucible and pop a 3 of Coins every game. I've received and seen people get exotic drops 2 games in a row multiple times. I've also seen where someone gets two exotics in a crucible match for playing one 3 of coins. And no, as far as I know nothing changes the drop rate for exotics from 3 of Coins.
Umm things. First off, Y1 activities have a chance to drop exotic weapons from Y1. This is correct. The reasoning for this is because bungie added the three of coins to Xür's inventory, they changed it so that strikes and some other activities that aren't raids or nightfalls would no longer drop exotic items. As for the differences in difficulty, bungie hasn't really set a whole lot of guidelines for how long or difficult strikes and story missions should be, as a result you can have vastly different times and number of kills between strikes, for example the old sepiks prime strike, you could solo it and get 90 or so kills during your run of just killing the enemies on the strike. Compare that to omnigul, where I rarely see the total number of kills being less than 200. Unfortunately, destiny has never been a game that will grant increased rewards for specifically more difficult encounters. The game is set up so that it sees you did a strike, and gives you a strike reward, regardless of how difficult the strike was or your own contribution to the team. Same concept with crucible, except being on the winning team gets you slightly more rep.
List of activities from which you can get exotics to drop in year-3 Destiny: 1. All the activities. Every. Single. One.
That awkward moment when a post makes you remember that you got 6 MIDA's in a day, in year one.
It's the most overused crutch in the game to this day it's the 3rd most used primary in trials..... Why imo it's the most boring gun in the game and I hate everything about it.
由Spirit Rose編輯: 6/19/2017 3:47:01 PMI have no respect for those who use the MIDA Multi-Tool. That is, If I matched against you.
Guaranteed exotic on first completion of PoE 28 per character, and then a chance every time you open the chest after that first completion. I spent ages in PoE 28 a few months ago grinding for coins and a chance at getting Suros Regime. It never dropped, but I did get a few exotics I never had so I was able to buy the updated version of them. My exotic drops from PoE 28 were pretty regular and the amount of 3oC I could buy when Xur came was pretty damn high.
[quote]for about a week I've been trying to pull it out specifically for a reason [/quote]
由GrayWulf25編輯: 6/19/2017 8:00:51 AMGuaranteed Y1 Exotic for 1st completion (+ open chest) of PoE28 on any character BTW MIDA was my 1st ever Exotic back in Oct 2014 just after I hit Lvl20. It dropped at the end of a Control match in Crucible. AND I got my first ever Gjallerhorn in Y1 from the PoE28 chest at start of House of Wolves
As others have mentioned first completion of PoE 28 is a guaranteed exotic. Easiest way to get all your exotics is buy 3 of Coins from Xur when he comes on Fridays. You use one and it gives you around 10% chance of an exotic after every boss kill (mob with a skull health bar) or crucible match. After you get a kill or finish a match if there's no drop then use another one and the chance will go up each time until you get a drop. You can rocket suicide farm Draxis in Winters Run if you have loads of coins. (Final room, snipe him from the door and when he has a sliver of health shoot him point blank with a rocket so you both die. Drops are still there when you respawn just outside the room. Pop another coin and repeat. Earns you less exotics per coin but is fast)
由DedCanDance編輯: 6/19/2017 4:46:35 AMLevel 28 poe is great for grinding y1 weapons. You get a guaranteed exotic on your first Lvl28 PoE run with each new character and then it reduces to just a "chance." I've personally only ever pulled maybe 3 exotics from there. (Minus the guaranteed ones.) I grind it for y1 legendary weapons because you can reroll stats on them and they are great for pvp! Edit: I should add that you can also get the y1 High Road Soldier legendary scout rifle there. It's the same archetype as MIDA and can roll with basically the same stats. Good way to free up your exotic slot in the crucible.