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由Nephilim713編輯: 6/15/2017 1:58:47 AM

Guided games will not work with Heroic.

lol, guided games doesn't work for heroic/hard mode on destiny 2. I swear to god that's so disappointing. Around the 32 min mark..... this is bad...really bad. There's no point to this feature if people can't do the better raids. This company is backwards.



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  • Methods already exist to find people to raid with, the Guided games feature will help people break that shyness barrier and learn the mechanics of the encounters. After that, if people want to try hard mode then the Recruitment forums, DestinyLFG and will still be there. The whole 'Guided Games' thing was promoted as a feature to help people who have never raided before, not for repeated loot runs. For some it will still be great and will lead them tentatively into some of the greatest online gaming moments they've ever had, for others its just a feature for noobs. Either way if you want to get that hard mode loot you'll have to man-up in more ways than one.



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