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由Eriena編輯: 6/9/2017 9:58:11 PM

Offensive content in the Septics Perfected Strike, the jab at "In God We Trust"

I just wanted to point out (though I think that the devs know it already) that it seems you guys tried to take a jab at the phrase "in God we Trust" in the septics perfected strike (dialogue right before the fight at the end of the strike). Not only that, but also a jab at the idea that "all things are possible with God." Now, I understand everyone is going to think "man you are sensitive," but honestly I find it offensive and I'm sure I'm not the only one. Believe me, this sort of thing would not be here if those phrases were Islamic or Hindu in origin, or of any other religion. And if Bungie took a jab at Islam they would hear about it (I don't mean a violent response, in case you thought that). What's up with this? Yes I am a Catholic, and yes I am offended. Does that matter to you guys at Bungie? Consider removing that particular bit of dialogue please, it seems off color and unnecessary, and the fallen are not doing anything like either of those things I mentioned above. [spoiler]Moderator edit: This thread has been moved to #Feedback forum so that other Destiny players can weigh in. See [url=]Cozmo's thread[/url] for more information about the #Feedback tag and its uses. Feel free to private message the moderator who moved your post, link to topic for further clarification about why this topic was moved.[/spoiler]



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  • 由BattleCry1986編輯: 6/12/2017 8:01:49 PM
    @CATH0LICS0LDIER You're saying it's offensive to use the phrase, “In siva we trust” because it's a reference to what? Christianity? Now are you ready for a history lesson? First of all, "In God we trust", is not a Christian saying. It is an American phrase that Dwight Eisenhower officially declared as the United States official motto as a way to differentiate the United States from the Soviet Union. He was a very popular President, and wasn't the first person to use the phrase in conjunction with the idea of freedom. That happened in 1812 when the Star-Spangled Banner was written by Francis Scott Key. Maybe you didn’t know this, but before it was even a country many people came to America seeking religious freedom. This has been something that the United States has been proud of for Decades appearing all over the government. Right or Wrong, the phrase “In God we trust” has little to do with any particular religion, and much more to do with the country. You know something else? The phrase is actually pretty neutrally written as far as religion goes. This is probably why it was chosen as the American motto. The word “God” is vague, it doesn’t exclude the Islamic or Hindu religions as you said. The only people it excludes is the Atheists. Even at that, the phrase is still a statement of fact from the 1800’s perspective So, no. This isn't some shot at your religion. It isn’t offensive… Unless referencing American History is offensive. ...Or, unless you consider the use of the word “God” offensive? Even if you do, Destiny never references God with a capital "G", you know the creator of the universe. Destiny puts heavy focus on the little "g" god, as in a super powerful being. It's semantics. Edit: Here are a few links if you would like to read up on the history.



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  • 由Der Sheff編輯: 6/10/2017 1:39:43 AM
    ; )



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  • Triggered



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    • The game is rated. You don't have to play if your that offended Besides the fact that tons of games are a lot worse with language and demons and such Also the game is centered around violence and killing maybe a good catholic shouldn't be playing it at all Idk what else to tell you. Maybe talk to your clan of bishops and priests about it What's your clans name again? Satans warriors?



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    • Roses are red My name's Dave This poem makes no sense Microwave



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      • Don't remove anything. Its a game, set hundreds of years in the future. Don't like it, don't play it. Simple.



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        5 回覆
        • I bet your not too happy about Far Cry 5( shit, Outlast 2 as well ) either, jokes aside its just game. I bet you can find ones a lot worse( like the ones above ), and others that aren't even in the same medium. It's reference isn't from the bible either, it's phrases are from the US with one being on currency.



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        • I'm Catholic too, but really? You brought religion into I've seen it all. You know the fallen worship Sepiks like a God, right? So the statement "In Siva We Trust" would make perfect sense to the Fallen. There are so many different "Gods" in this game and so much worshiping going on and all you're doing as a guardian is killing everyone (and their Gods) and every race in this's like the Crusades all over again. If anything, this should be what's offending you. The "In God We Trust" statement really has nothing to do with the Catholic Church, it's the motto for the Seal of the United States that the government came up with in the late 1700's.



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        • 由Slain編輯: 6/9/2017 6:57:19 AM
          Microaggression! Microaggression! Wheel in the mobile safe-cubicle, we're at victim-level 5.



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        • I wanted to make something clear: I realize my original post was made without as much thought as it should have been...if I could rewrite it I would make it more concise, and with more respect toward Bungie. Who am I to assume that they intended the comments in question to be offensive? However, I had a valid concern and there is no reason why I should not have mentioned it. Hopefully they will check it out and read my concerns. Just so everyone knows, I don't care what you post (please try to follow the forum rules though), I will never start calling you an idiot or anything else. We are all brothers and sisters. In my view (and I really believe it to be true), all of you, even those who appear to really think I'm an idiot, are awesome people. Heck, I believe you were all created by the same God, and that he made each and every one of you unique. I respect you, and honestly think we'd be friends if this was not a forum where people somehow feel they can say anything with impunity. If any of my comments have been heated or insulting, upsetting or offensive, I am sorry (I mean personally offensive, I will not apologize for my beliefs, but please research them before you attack them, that is what I would to for you as well, and please get your history right). Peace everybody, maybe some of us will meet in game sometime. Honestly I don't have time to keep replying to all the comments on here, I am a college student and work two jobs, besides having health complications to deal with---I will check in every now and then though. God bless.



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          • One of the biggest problems in the world today stems directly from statements such as yours. The game dialogue is not meant to offend, yet you are offended. People say things that are taken incorrectly, personally, and offensively. For no reason except they feel they are being attacked. Yes, people should try not to offend. But it goes both ways. If people just stepped down off their almighty pedestal and stopped taking everything personally, there would be a lot less problems between people.



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            • Man this is internet gold right here. I hope this thread gets big. Really wanna see where this one goes.



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              • Millennial confirmed. Based on the analysis of this text user is likely 18 years old. Definitely between 13-19. Though the gender is difficult to determine from this writing, it's likely male. Nope. Artists are rarely concerned with how offensive their material is. Especially when it's only 1 religious child complaining about 1 line of dialogue. There's plenty of religious people (i'm assuming) that play this game, and the majority of them haven't complained publicly. Plus, that was a national slogan, not a religious one. As an American, I'm not offended. If this is really getting to you, don't leave your parent's house. The world is a cruel place, with little regard for your feelings.



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                • I believe in science.



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                  • Let's take a closer look at what's said so we can take it into context shall we. [quote]Why would the Splicers rebuild Sepiks? They already have SIVA." "I can make a guess. Maybe an offer to the other Devils. You know — "In SIVA we trust" and "In SIVA, all things are possible." Get in there. And show them that their "god" is nothing more than metal and tech."[/quote] See, this isn't a jab at Christianity, Cade is talking about the devil splicers and their "God". In that reference he takes a page out of a slogan from an ex-nation, the United States. Maybe he found an old coin. Either way, it's not from the Bible or religious text. In God we trust could very well be taken to mean any God, neither slogan is religious specific. In the end it's not a jab at any group, or religion. It's fine.



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                    • 由XAMANDER編輯: 6/9/2017 2:15:23 AM
                      Um, shouldn't you be more offended that many of your Priests are abusing children? And the leadership of the Catholic Church is part of a global cover up? But none of that matters because there was writing in a video game that you believe was made to be offensive to Christians. BTW in "In God we Trust" has nothing to do with the bible or Christianity. It was put into the Pledge of Allegiance during the cold war in the 1950s to protest the Soviet Union's outlaw and persecution of religious freedom. It was more of a political statement than a religious one. And I can find a million things about Destiny that would be potentially much more "blasphemous" to an insecure, fundamentalist Christian.



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                      • 由Romans43編輯: 6/9/2017 3:09:32 AM
                        It's not referring to God. It's saying the fallen worship SIVA like a god or an idol. I questioned that at first too though.



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                      • [quote]Yes I am a Catholic, and yes I am offended. Does that matter to you guys at Bungie?[/quote] No. Sooner or later you'll realize that no one in the REAL world gives a damn if you, or anyone else, are offended. I'm sure people will be offended by me stating that there is no god outside of fantasy. Take a look at the world as a whole...



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                        • *Sorry If I sound rude at all, that is not my intention.* It is the Fallen's God. It is their own religion that they made up, and they are just "jabbing" at their own religion with their own characters. Also, I can sort of understand how it may offend you and that is perfectly fine, but it is just entertainment and a game. However, If it truly offends you, it probably offends others in the community. If that is the case, then Bungie should take into consideration of changing those particular pieces of dialogue. I also support them not replacing them because they probably have to get the voice actor and pay him, just to change two lines of dialogue. And just like the Pledge of Allegiance, it offends some people, but some people have to ignore it. I would say to post a poll so that the destiny community can vote on this issue. I understand that it could offend some people.



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                          4 回覆
                          • The phrase in question does little to no harm. The "In Siva we trust or, in Siva all things are possible." The fallen lore indicates a cult like mentality and holds no relevance to our one and only. Dev's specifically made that comment only to reiterate such a point. As for the immature responses, it is good you would choose such an example to hold up and question because yes, it does draw attention to the phrase. But to be offended about a video game? This comment line will NOT be used outside of Destiny specifically because Destiny has little to no relevance or meaning in the real world.



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                            • 由Prof Sheitbag編輯: 6/8/2017 2:51:04 PM
                              You got to rip that band-aid off now. You'll thank me later. [spoiler][b]If you think that is bad, there are many more "offensive" examples in pop culture. Free expression means just that - your interpretation of something does not mean it was the developers intention, but even if it was, welcome to America[/b].[/spoiler]



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                              • Not sure if serious.



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                                • 由phonejackson編輯: 6/8/2017 4:21:05 AM
                                  Lmao! Christians. You're not a persecuted religion, get over yourself.



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                                  26 回覆
                                  • And you people say I'm sensitive. You're taking this way out of context. It wasn't a "jab" it was a contextual reference about them worshiping machines.



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                                    • 由TheArtist編輯: 6/8/2017 11:27:07 AM
                                      Just stop. Christians are not an oppressed minority in Western matter how much some of you try to wrap yourselves in victim status. Shiro wasn't making fun of Christians. He was making fun of the IDOLATRY of the Eliksni, and the fact that they worship MACHINES as "gods". That this thing that looks like it (almost certainly was) rebuilt from junkyard scrap was being seen as something "divine". IOW, you conveniently left out the last thing that Shiro said in that monologue: [i]"Get in there!! Show them that their 'god' is NOTHING BUT METAL-AND-TECH." [/i] Frankly, I think you're just walking around with a chip on your shoulder and looking for something to be "offended" by. In which case, that's your problem. No one else's. Oh, and have you forgotten you're playing a game where the heroes serve a machine that actually CAN perform miracles? Where's your "offense" at that? I believe the Speaker (at the end of the vanilla game) refers to The Traveller as a "broken god."



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