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6/1/2017 4:34:10 PM

West Coast Players

It is hard to find players on the West Coast (PST) to play with when you get on late at night. I thought for the longest time what would be the best way to find players on the same coast as me. At first, I looked on LFG and could not find anyone on the West Coast. Then I thought to myself lets try the Destiny boards and found nothing. Yeah I could go to the tower and start spamming invites to people to build a fireteam of complete BlueBerries, but how many of you out there gets random invites and ignore them. I know I do sometimes. I get mad sometimes at the random invites from people I do not know. I get mad at what is happening around me at that time not the invites themselves or the people who send them. Sometimes I will just join and play for the fun on the game. After a long thinking process about what I should do, I decided that I would just create a Band on the Band App (which is available on Android and iOS and even on PC) for West Coast Players. It is not just for West Coast players. Anyone can join if you so desire too. Invite Link



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