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4/22/2017 4:39:00 AM

Destiny should have been Rated M (like Halo) - - Story should have been VAMPED, post-game should have focused on PVE "Hoard Mode" instead of Crucible - - Adult Content not for Kids

my serious thoughts is that destiny was made more for the money than for the fans; with halo having nothing to stand on and no money, being picked up by microsoft was a huge deal for them, and they put everything into the quality of content rather than making the extra buck everything in destiny is designed first and foremost to make money; either an item they think people will latch on to in order to PREORDER the game, or a patch that will GET YOU TO BUY EVERVERSE, or a cool clip that will MAKE YOU COME BACK FOR DLC - - making money isn't a crime, and it's good to support yourself and your family, but there is no soul here destiny only flourished off the namesake of BUNGIE, the creators of the original Halo, the game would never have sold so well, nor would it have had such a continued fan base without that prestige, - - i, like many others, are on the final straw in Destiny 2 - - if they haven't learned 100% what TO DO, and what NOT TO DO, it'll be the last Bungie title i ever support [u][b]MOVING ON TO THE MEAT[/b][/u] the fact that there is no story, and no drive to positive player action in the post-game, there are too many children in destiny - - too many kids who "-blam!-" your mom, too many children that "know exactly what to do bro" - - too many infants who are, quite frankly, -blam!-ing retarded the learning curve is so massive, i have heard of the stress and insanity of this game's LFG being used as a construct model for the psychological state of mass murderers and sociopaths the game should have focused on story above all else, in a true open world - - a complete Platinum playthrough should have taken over 100 hours, and end-game should have been about a Hoard Mode, with crucible being something fun to do on the side, but nothing serious trials of osiris is the worst thing that has ever happened to this game, even more than the lag, non-dedicated servers, and ever weapon patch of all time anyhow, i'm about -blam!-ing tired as shit and pretty pissed off, i think that's good enough for now



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  • 由QuietNumber 23編輯: 4/25/2017 5:13:39 PM
    PVP is pretty much the only thing that keeps me and my friends coming back to Destiny, and there is alot of PVP only player out there and removing any ways to just enjoy the game in that way would be foolish and insulting. Do you know how many Destiny streamers play only PVP? And you also seem to want a game that Destiny isn't, Destiny isn't skyrim with guns but thats what you seem to be asking for. And what are you even talking about when you say children? Absolutely no one uses game chat so they can't trash talk you, and if you let some annoying kid join your fireteam and stay that's on you. Just kick them or don't invite them in the first place. You also talk about how we " need " a PVE horde mode when we already have multiple versions of just that, AND THEY ALL SUCKED. You seem to clearly hate Destiny in this post and some of your recent activity, so why are you still here? Yes I've heard that " dur there isn't many game like a destiny so I still play it ", but if you genuinely stop enjoying something why torture your self and continue to play it? I've had to take month long brakes from Destiny because of how frustrating it can be at times but I always come back because I still really enjoy the game, and I still really enjoy the community on places like LFG and the Destiny Sub-Reddit. All you are to me is another salty post on a website I once loved, posts like these ruined this place for me. was never prefect but every time I comeback here just to see if things have gotten better I shed a single tear because it never does. Its the same dumb, salty, ill-informed posts about how " broken " Destiny is and how they are never going to play it again while they have three 400 light characters and they continue playing after they said they would stop. Any ways sorry for the huge ass rant, years of seeing this site go down hill went into this so.....enjoy???



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