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由Rockadoodlepot編輯: 3/16/2017 3:57:30 AM
I also thrive on the rush of getting team ganked and these are some outta order thoughts i have to help: 1) always keep assassins or enemies thay change guards fast as your not locked on enemy cause you juat have to block that side rather then matching their atance changes during a light spam. 2)be ready to counter guard break at all times cause its the difference between life and death 3) your zone attack can be your best friend right after popping your revenge. I play nobushi a lot and i can easily hit 3 enemies for half their life with a well timed revenge to zone. 4) when gettinf swung on from all directions you only have to block the one that would hit first, BUT if your getting swung on by 3 and the dude to hit 2nd or 3rd is using an unblockable you have to parry that enemy thatd hit first, rather then parrying to guy using the unblockable 5) if you dodge and they gb you you cant counter it so be cautious, but if you barrel roll thsy cant grab you Besides getting character specific this is my base advice, im sure i could give some other tips if you still need [spoiler]i love fighting off the team gank, nothing is better then seeing 4v1 honorable bonus 4 times [/spoiler]



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