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由LeVante編輯: 3/11/2017 1:52:57 AM

Match-making broken. Crucible unplayable

I'm not sure if it happens to you as well but I normally lose very badly the first 3 - 4 matches (like with 0.23kd) and then after I see 2,3 times "we are breaking those teams to find a better match" then I find players where my kd goes above 1, sometimes even above 3...and then again it starts over...I lose very badly several other matches and so on... It seems to me that there is a massive gap between me and the players I am matched against. Shouldn't it be skill-based? It jumps from horribly difficult to very easy...but most of the times it's just ridiculously difficult.



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  • Well I choose a crucible game... wait... wait a bit more. then 2 or 3 people join... then I get kicked cos Destiny can't find me a game... soooo theres only 3 people playing crucible in the world??? WTF man. happens all the time. I end up trying them all until i finally get a game 30 mins later. then after that game the same sept maybe a 20 min wait. Something is broken.



    以禮待人。發佈文章前請花點時間查看我們的行為準則 取消 編輯 創立火力戰隊 文章

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