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2/19/2017 5:51:33 PM

Skull Language Data

Heyo everyone, I tried searching for this topic but couldn't find any satisfying answer to my problem, therefore I try to post it here (I hope this is the correct place, excuse me if not). I recently started looking into the Bungie API, and came across a problem concerning the skull data of certain activities. I try to develop my application in different languages and use the provided static hash information from Bungie. My current approach is grabbing the current activities from [b]/Advisors/V2/[/b] and compare the [b]activityHash[/b], [b]destinationHash[/b], etc with their corresponding definition reference (e.g. [b]DestinyActivityDefinition[/b]). This works perfectly fine for everything except skull data. I found some skull information in [b]DestinyScriptedSkullDefinition[/b] but they are missing lots of skulls. Moreover, the data from [b]/Advisors/V2/[/b] doesn't come with any hash number for skulls but with english names and descriptions. Is there a way to 1. get the current active skulls as hash number, 2. compare the hash number with a skull definition reference? Or is there an other approach or way to get the skulls for an active event (e.g. nightfall) in a different language than english? Sorry for that rather dumb question but I don't really understand why there is no definition for all skulls. Sincerely, Aeon
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  • Unfortunately, DestinyScriptedSkullDefinition ended up only being definitions for skulls used in Prison of Elders. This is an unfortunate workaround that was brought about because most skulls are defined directly on activity definitions (which is why you're seeing the results you are seeing from the Advisors), and prison of elders had them defined in a different and less data driven way, so we built DestinyScriptedSkullDefinitions to give people some information about the "script-driven skulls" that came with Prison of Elders. I would love it if the "normal" skulls defined on activities were globally defined with their own definitions [and I'd love it even more if we didn't have scripted skull definitions, which are an unfortunate hack for an incompatible set of skull definitions], but at this time each activity can potentially define its own skulls and there is no central repository for them. (this is a similar problem to talent nodes if you ever dig in there... two nodes may have the same name, but actually end up with entirely different properties because they are defined differently in the game's content. So too for skulls, which is why we don't provide a single central reference for them at this time)



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