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2/2/2017 8:20:36 PM

How to know when someone's not an attention seeking "gamer girl" here.

* They don't have a word or username that makes you know they're a girl Example of words: * "Girl, Lady, Princess, Babe, Chick", etc. Ya know what I'm getting to. * When they don't use the fact that they are female to make people follow them on youtube/instagram etc. * When they don't make posts here talking about how they're a "gamer girl AMA" * When they don't act like better than any other guy on here. * When they don't make introduction posts saying who they are. Example: "Hi I'm (Stephanie) I'm new here". Is it just me or are attention seeking girls annoying as hell? It's like they use the fact they play video games as if they're special or something. If you're not that type of girl props to ya.



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  • Yeah we'll name ourselves whatever we want, if people think we're attention whores then so be it. Some of us like having pretty names.



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  • There are so many posers you could spend your whole life trying to call every one of them out. Better to just ignore them tbh. They'll look upon their habits and cringe in a few years time.



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  • or you just move on with your life? dear god are people this fixated on internet strangers



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    • if you are a girl it helps when seeking attention but there are a lot of guys on here doing similar things so it's nothing related to girls only. There are male attention wh*res as well.



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      • 由Wookieg13編輯: 2/2/2017 9:27:12 PM
        SWIGGITY   ∧_∧   ( ・∀・)  ⊂ ⊂ )    ( ( (    (_(_)       Swooty    ∧_∧       ( ・∀・)       ( U つ     ) ) ) (_)_) I'm ∧_∧   ( ・∀・) ⊂_へ つ  (_)| 彡 (_) Coming ∧_∧   (・_・)っ (っ / Lノ┘ For that   ∧___∧ ⊂(・_・ )  ヽ ⊂二/  (⌒) / Booty! /        \ |  ●    ● | \  _ (•_•) <) )╯ When you're ready / \ ( •_•) <( (> Come and get it / \ (•_•) ~( )~ NA NA NA NA / \" (•_•) <) )- if you dont like / \ (•_•) /( (> the jellyhorn / \ (•_•)/ <) ) then gtfo / \ \(•_•) ( . (> your leaving? / \ (•_•) <) . )/ well / \ \(•_•) ( . (> then / \ (•_•) <) . )> bye / \ \(•_•) ( . (> so I'm like / \ (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻ FLIP THAT TABLE. ┻━┻ ︵ ヽ(°□°ヽ) FLIP THIS TABLE. ┻━┻ ︵ \(`0`)// ︵ ┻━┻ FLIP ALL THE TABLES ಠ_ಠ Child. . . ಠ_ಠ Put. ಠ__ಠ The tables. ಠ___ಠ Back. (╮°-°)╮┳━┳ (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻ NEVER (•_•) <) )╯because I'm / \ ⊂_ヽ   \\ _    \( •_•) F     < ⌒ヽ A    /   へ\ B    /  / \\ U    レ ノ   ヽ_つ L   / / O   / /| U  ( (ヽ S  | |、\  | 丿 \ ⌒)  | |  ) / `ノ )  Lノ (_/



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        • 18
          Here's the way I see it.. Every single one of us is here (excluding the lurkers, anyway) because we desire attention. I'd be pretty amazed if there's anyone here who posts hoping that no one ever pays attention to what they say. That just isn't how an online forum works. And each of us use different ways to try to garner that attention. Some do it by making outlandish statements, or by being friendly, mean, smart, funny, etc. But everyone finds their niche to fill. So we all show up and try to add something to this place in one way or another, meet people, exchange ideas, and have some fun. And most often, we do this by sharing what makes us.. us. Our personalities. Our past experiences, and outlooks on life, and sense of humor... All the stuff that makes us interesting to the other people around here. And not surprisingly, gender is one of those things that naturally tends to come up eventually anyway. So someone should feel free to share that part of themselves around here if they choose to without being immediately labeled an "attention whore". Because really.. we're all attention whores. Some are just better at it than others.



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          10 回覆
          • Sounds like someone's jealous of the attention they get. Best thing you can do is just ignore them and do your own thing.It shouldn't bother you. [spoiler]Also some of the people with girly names are children.Are you really gonna call a 10 year old a whore for having 'princess' in their name?[/spoiler]



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            33 回覆
            • Someone still thinks girls are icky....



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            • Some girls just like having a girly name, doesn't necessarily mean they want attention. Some other girls just have matching gamertags with their boyfriend or friend which require them to use the word girl, lady, princess, etc in it. For everything else you said, that crap is just annoying. You're a female, congratulations. Here's your crown.



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              8 回覆
              • If any of you see this gamer girl's gt: 'Chinnutz', please inform me! I need to leave a deposit.



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              • Anime grills> real grills



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                • If they state they're a girl, then it isn't a girl.



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                • i am a grl :3 giv me atention CX



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                  • I have Mrs in my name. Guess I'm an attention seeking gamer girl.



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                    • Well my friend, there is only one way to know if a girl likes you. Here is what you have to do. Put some toast in an envelope with her name on it and give said envelope to her. Then wait for up to two days. If she gives you an envelope back..., do not open it until you get home. Get home, open it and there should be nude pics of her inside. The next day talk to her alone after or before school. Then you have to say a secret code, is the peanut butter in the potato? If she answers, No it is in the apple sauce, then she likes you. If she kicks you in the balls and runs away, then it is safe to say she is not interested. Hope that helps



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                    • I will express my femininity if I want to, and you can't stop me!



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                    • Easier to get attention by making your username "tuck_frump" or something political then post about politics.



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                    • I just use Linda's name and number. Cause Linda And I'm a redhead that likes guns ~(.-.)~



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                      • People with some feminine noun in their name aren't inherently seeking attention. Tons of guys have names like "sNiPeRbOy" or "xxxrocketmanxxx" or "milfhunter" or "HaLoKiNg" or shit like that. People like describing themselves in their tags. No reason women shouldn't be able to do that too.



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                        • ¯\_(ツ)_/¯



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                        • Very simple. They act like normal people.



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                        • [b] [/b]



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                        • but u have love in ur gamertag and that is pretty girly so there u have contracted yourself. good day /thread



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                          2 回覆
                          • I always see girls getting called out for having Girl, Mrs ect in the name but don't see guys getting called out for names with mr or boy



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                            • Judging by your name, you have been burnt by a gamer girl?



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                              • 由KrayZSamurai編輯: 2/3/2017 12:59:47 PM
                                One: When I had first joined this site I remember having Girl in my username (and it's in my gamer tag but I'm getting around to changing that after I get a card today at lunch). However, I was much younger and I wasn't prepared for the toxicity of the Companion App community. I never knew that putting "gamer" and "girl" in the same sentence could relate to attention whoring. It used to be my channel name as well so people had an easier time finding my gamer tag if they wanted to send a message on the Xbox. But then I changed it after getting severe backlash both on here and on my channel. You see, not ALL female gamers who have "girl" in their gamer tags or PSN (or whatever it is) or usernames aren't all trying to grab for attention. Two: I would also like to bring to attention that If a guy put "gamer" and "guy" (or boy) in the same sentence, nobody would give a flying shit. Double standards suck like a sponge.



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