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12/27/2016 7:31:49 AM

"Conservative Christianity" Is An Oxymoron

Christianity is the favored religion for Western conservatives, whom generally believe in the principles of small government, individualism and in many cases, traditional values. However the idea of a conservative Christian is contradictory to the scripture of the New Testament, which is where the teachings of Jesus Christ (the supposed founder of the faith) reside. Conservatives claim to oppose social welfare and government regulation, even though Christ advocated for feeding the poor and healing the sick; both ideas would be considered precursors to current government programs such as healthcare, food stamps or mandatory food donations, which can be found in countries such as France, in which supermarkets are required by law to donate all non-spoiled edible items to the poor. Christ was also opposed to the existence of wealthy people, stating that "it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle, than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God." This could be considered an early example of communism, where the means of production is collectively owned and currency and social hierarchies are abolished. Conservative Christians claim to be opposed to abortion ,even though there is a story in the Bible, in which a woman with child who committed adultery, was given "bitter water" to intentionally miscarry; a primitive version of abortion. Conservative Christians also claim to be opposed to homosexuality, as it is" an abomination," however Jesus Christ never mentions homosexuality, and it is only mentioned in the New Testament. Christ was an advocate of love and tolerance, not hatred and bigotry. In conclusion, to be a Christian and adhere to socially and fiscally conservative ideas, means rejecting the principles of your savior, and ultimately, rejecting Jesus. Many consider Jesus to be the first socialist, with early scholars and academics such as Sir Thomas Moore, subscribing to the ideology of humanism, based off the teachings of Jesus. To be a Christian means helping the poor, helping the sick, and identifying with the progressive movement, in order to improve the lives of the less fortunate; to get rid of inequality, and fight for a strong, empathetic, and peaceful society.



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  • No they believe the church and the community should provide for the needy.



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    • 由The Last Hunter編輯: 12/28/2016 4:41:06 PM
      This. Finally its being said, I've had it over my head Christians saying proudly that they follow their Jesus but when it comes to helping, all they think it how they can profit. Small note Christians: going to church every Sunday is not enough to gets to your precious heaven if you turn your head around when it comes to people in need. Edit: Okay sorry for not specifying, I didn't mean all christians, I meant christians that are conservatives.



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      • Under the overarching banner of Conservatism, we have: Liberal conservatism Conservative liberalism [u]Libertarian conservatism[/u] Fiscal conservatism National and traditional conservatism Cultural and social conservatism Religious conservatism Progressive conservatism Authoritarian conservatism Now I understand that the "Religious Conservatives" are a little backward, but if you check out under the Libertarian Conservatism there is a group called the [url=]Cristian Libertarians[/url] that would probably make more sense to you. Political beliefs shouldn't be seen as monoliths. Everything falls along a spectrum, and it may not be as far away from what you think and feel as you may have imagined.



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        • 由TheFieryInferno編輯: 12/27/2016 10:03:08 PM
          Wouldn't that make Liberal Atheists an oxymoron. Because atheist have no god to work for, why would they support a socialist government where everyone gets equal pay and part of your hard earned money is given to people who don't work. It doesn't benefit them so why are they doing it and they have no god who will judge them based on how well they help others. See how this statement makes no sense at all, like your post. God wants us Christians to give to those in need and spread his love. But that doesn't mean it has to be government controlled. We should be giving to the poor out of our own will, not the government. And no we don't hate homosexuals. We don't support homosexuality but we won't hate people who are. Checkm8



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          • Religious folk always dragging us down.



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          • [i]hail stan[/i]



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          • Best way to help people is to get them to help themselves.



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            • Christian Liberals make less sense to me. Attempting to live with no moral compass or absolute truth is like the least Christian thing you can do.



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              • Not for conservatives, but they're the only ones who want it.



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              • 由tjustie編輯: 12/27/2016 1:54:36 PM
                Yeah, I don't really understand how a "good Christian" can be fiscally and socially conservative. People like Ted Cruz, who like to appear as if they put their faith first and foremost in their lives, and then rail against increased taxes and gays and what have you baffle me. Being opposed to treating gays equally pretty much goes against everything Jesus taught in regards to love and kindness, and being fiscally conservative for any reason other than "the taxes could be put to much better use helping the poor in other ways" is also counter to what Jesus taught from what I understand. And yet a lot of (Christian) conservatives like to argue against taxes by making generalizations about the behavior/attitudes of the poor and characterizing taxation as theft. Assuming the worst of the poor is a pretty obviously anti-Christian assumption of course, and Jesus also advocated for paying your taxes and "giving to Caesar (the state) what is his", so arguing theft seems like a moot point to me as well. This is besides the fact that not hoarding your wealth and instead giving it all away to the less fortunate is about a Christian thing as you can do. But I dunno, that's just how I see it.



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              • Tl;dr



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                • Can you link the "bitter water" story.



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                  • Islam is a conservative religion Christianity is liberal but was conservative. It's now about giving to the poor, helping communities and promoting globalisation while being against people like Trump



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