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12/6/2016 3:26:39 AM

Spammed on trials A LOT. I have evidence.

Hello everyone. I know that recently we have all been dealing with those ddos attacks, believe me ive been kicked from trials several times despite having green bar all the time but today im here because my friends and i were playing trials since the past times we couldnt for personal reasons and we were really hyped up. We decided to do a "practice run" passage to warm up and a "lets get sweaty" passage to actually win and go to the lighthouse. While in one particular match we were winning and they were a bit stuck i got A LOT of msgs of randoms i have NEVER see in my life saying something i doubt im even allowed to mention here in spanish (i speak spanish but translated it for my friends to understand since one of then doesnt) so out of desperation i picked one randomly and in caps i msged him to stop. Luckily i picked the only one that speaks spanish (or so said in their profiles) and i strongly believe its him bc he replied back "mordio!" Which here where i live means like when you get salty about something and you are mad. Im not sure if i reported him in-game since i was more worried about getting kicked than anything else. We ended up wining the match but im still not going to let them go easily. I was to fill out a report to report them, specially the spanish talking one because he was clearly cheating and if it was my friends instead of me, they could have been kicked. So my question is, how and where can i fill out that report and who do i sent it to? It isnt fair at all that people get away with this and now that i have proof and have an idea of who it was, i was justice to be made. I play this game daily and even run an Instagram page plus i help people a lot too. What that message said was really vulgar and i really cant show it here (dont want to get myself banned)



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